Policy Materials
- Private Equity and the New Silicon Rush (March 2025)
- Roadmap to Protect Public Pensions: How States Can Fight Back Against Federal Attacks (January 2025)
- Consequences of U.S. Climate Financial Regulation and Investment on the Global South (October 2024)
- 2024 Private Equity Climate Risks Scorecard & Report (October 2024) (PDF version)
- Who is Behind the Curtain? Breaking Down Trade Associations that Fight Tenants and Hurt Housing Affordability (June 2024)
- 93 Million: The Carbon Emissions KKR Didn’t Disclose (April 2024)
- Risky Business: Private Equity’s Life Insurance Gambit (January 2024)
- Brookfield’s Climate Paradox: Climate Pledges vs. Fossil Fuel Reality (December 2023)
- Uncovering KKR’s Environmental Responsibility Gap (September 2023)
- Doctored by Wall Street: Policy Solutions for Private Equity in Healthcare – Part 1( July 2023)
- Doctored by Wall Street: Policy Solutions for Private Equity in Healthcare – Part 2 ( July 2023)
- ABC’s of Private Equity (July 2023)
- Wells Fargo: We Go Far Beyond The Law (June 2023)
- The Growth of Private Equity Ownership in the Home Healthcare Market (June 2023)
- Banking Fair: The promise and urgency of doing postal banking right (May 2023)
- The Carlyle Group’s Hidden Climate Impact: Exposing a Decade of Fossil Fuel Investments (April 2023)
- A Giant in the Shadows: Subprime Corporate Debt (January 2023)
- Private Equity Climate Risks – Scorecard 2022 (September 2022) (PDF version)
- Research Memo: Estimate of Minimum Number of Housing Units Owned by Private Equity Firms (June 2022)
- Report: Lessons Learned from the Paycheck Protection Program (May 2022)
- Private Equity Ownership of U.S. Power Plants: A Hidden Climate Threat (May 2022)
- Lifting the Curtain on Private Equity: A Guide for Institutional Investors and Policymakers (2021)
- Tax Corporate Stock Buybacks that Enrich Executives and Worsen Inequality (November 2021)
- Assessment of the Financial Stability Oversight Council’s Report on Climate Financial Risk (November 2021)
- Stop Wall Street Looting Act of 2021 Provisions (October 2021)
- Stop Private Equity from Driving Retailers into Bankruptcy, Destroying Jobs and Livelihoods (October 2021)
- Stop Private Equity-Owned Nursing Homes from Extracting Profits at the Expense of Care (October 2021)
- The Stop Wall Street Looting Act: End Private Equity’s Predatory Practices (October 2021)
- Private Equity is the Driving Force Behind Surprise Medical Billing (October 2021)
- Close the carried interest loophole that is a tax dodge for super-rich private equity executives (October 2021)
- Expectations for the Treasury’s Climate-Related Financial Risk Report (October 2021)
- Public Money For Private Equity: Pandemic Relief Went To Companies Backed By Private Equity Titans (September 2021)
- Bank Supervision and Climate Risk (September 2021)
- Deregulation at the Powell Fed (August 2021)
- Climate Roadmap for U.S. Financial Regulation (March 2021)
- Cashing in on Our Homes: Billionaire Landlords Profit as Millions Face Eviction (March 2021)
- Where the Rubber Meets the Road: How a global tire titan got millions in pandemic small business loans (March 2021)
- How Members of the 116th Congress Voted on Taming Wall Street and Protecting Consumers (February 2021)
- Double Exposure: Retail workers hammered by combo crisis of pandemic and private equity (December 2020)
- Real Estate Tycoons Benefit from Billions in Tax Breaks (September 2020)
- The Cost of the 2008-2010 Financial Crisis in Sixteen Charts (September 2020)
- The Deadly Combination Of Private Equity And Nursing Homes During A Pandemic (August 2020)
- Banking on Surveillance: The Libra Black Paper (June 2020)
- WALL STREET’S BIG OPPORTUNITY: Opportunity Zones are a corporate tax break masquerading as community development (June 2020)
- J. Crew Succumbs to Bankruptcy after Private Equity Debt, Financial Looting (May 2020)
- Big Banks Should Not Be Permitted to Pay Dividends in the Current Crisis (April 2020)
- Private Equity Vultures Eye Real Estate During Coronavirus Crisis (April 2020)
- Massive Payoffs to Shareholders Laid the Groundwork for the Current Bailout (April 2020)
- Private Equity is the Driving Force Behind Surprise Medical Billing (March 2020)
- Private Equity Overstates Returns, Downplays Risks (February 2020)
- Private Equity-Owned Payday Lenders Profit Off Trapping People in Debt (February 2020)
- Private Equity’s Chemical Catastrophe in Texas (December 2019)
- America for Sale? An Examination of the Practices of Private Funds (November 2019)
- Pirate Equity: How Wall Street Firms are Pillaging American Retail (July 2019)
- The Stop Wall Street Looting Act: End Private Equity’s Predatory Practices (July 2019)
- The Trump Administration, Wall Street, and the Next Recession (May 2019)
- Wall Street Private Equity Landlords Snapping Up Apartment Buildings (May 2019)
- Wall Street Money in Washington (April 2019)
- Continuing Threat of Private Equity Investments in Single Family Rentals (April 2019)
- Finance For A Fair Economy: Managing The Financial Cycle (March 2019)
- Private Equity Giants Converge on Manufactured Homes (February 2019) (Versión en español)
- Wells Fargo Scandal Tracker (February 2019 Update)
- Congressional Voting Record: Where They Stand on Financial Reform (February 2019 Update)
- The Volcker Rule: Its Past, Present, and Uncertain Future (October 2018)
- Congressional Voting Record: Where They Stand on Financial Reform — 2nd year of 115th Congress (September 2018)
- Reforming Bank Governance: Top-Down Reform and Bank Resistance (September 2018)
- The Kavanaugh Nomination: What’s In It for Wall Street and Predatory Lenders (August 2018)
- Voters Oppose Mulvaney Policies at CFPB (July 2018 poll)
- Wall Street Money in Washington (May 2018)
- Private Equity’s Failing Grade in the For-Profit College Industry (March 2018)
- Congressional Voting Record – 1st year of 115th Congress (March 2018)
- The Financial Services Roundtable Dangerous Policy Agenda (March 2018)
- Excerpts from DC Court of Appeals Decision in PHH v. CFPB (February 2018)
- Wall Street Makes Bank on Trump: 2017 in Review (January 2018)
- Wall Street and Single-Family Rentals (January 2018)
- Payday Lending and the Private Equity Business (December 2017)
- AIG: From Bailout to Deregulation (Nov 2017)
- The Same Old Song: Wall Street’s Repeatedly Discredited but Endlessly Repeated Arguments Against Common-Sense Financial Regulation (Oct 2017)
- Government Sachs and the Trump Administration (Oct 2017)
- Trump Deregulation Agenda Is a Gift Bag for Wall Street Banks and Predatory Lenders (Oct 2017)
- How Americans View Wall Street and Financial Regulation (August 2017)
- The Trump Treasury and the Big Bank Agenda (June 2017)
- Claims and Facts about the Impact of Dodd Frank on Community Banks (June 2017)
- Wall Street Money in Washington (March 2017)
- Congressional Voting Record – 114th Congress (Jan 2017)
- How Trump Voters View Financial Regulation (Dec 2016)
- Payday Pay-to-Play (June 2015)
- CFPB Defense Toolkit
- Caught in the Debt Trap (People’s Action Institute/AFR)
- Prepaid Card Materials
- Ten Ways the CFPB Safeguards Your Money
- Cost of the Crisis
- Large Regional Banks — Myths and Realities
- Dodd-Frank Materials
- Congressional Voting Record – 113th Congress (May 2015)
- Polling Memo: Voters Support Strong Consumer Financial Protections and Tough Regulation of Wall Street (September 29, 2020)
Democratic primary voters in the states of Iowa, New Hampshire, Nevada, and South Carolina strongly support a tough approach to oversight of Wall Street, according to a new poll conducted by Lake Research Partners and Chesapeake Beach Consulting. Democrats and independents, and even many Republicans share the views of this crucial set of voters. - New Bipartisan Poll Shows Strong Support for Student Loan Debt Cancellation During COVID-19 Pandemic (May 12, 2020)
The Center for Responsible Lending (CRL) and Americans for Financial Reform (AFR) released a bipartisan poll today showing that Americans around the country and across partisan identities strongly support student debt reduction during the COVID-19 pandemic. - Polling Memo: Strong Support for Capping Interest Rates Amid Pandemic (May 05, 2020)
Americans of all partisan identities, and across all regions of the United States, strongly support enacting new consumer protections on high-interest lending during the coronavirus crisis. Americans are highly supportive of prohibiting all high-interest loans during the crisis and of capping interest rates for consumer loans, according to a new bipartisan poll from Lake Research Partners and Chesapeake Beach Consulting. - AFR Polling Memo: New Survey Shows Bipartisan Skepticism of Private Equity Tactics, Support for Reform (Nov 18, 2019)
Voters support continued reform of Wall Street, and that conviction extends to the private equity industry, according to a new poll by Lake Research Partners and Chesapeake Beach Consulting. Majorities of Democrats, independents, and Republicans, oppose the predatory tactics of private equity industry, and support legislative proposals aimed at correcting its abuses. - AFR/CRL Poll: Early State Voters Support Continued Reform of Wall Street (Oct 7, 2019)
Democratic primary voters in the states of Iowa, New Hampshire, Nevada, and South Carolina strongly support a tough approach to oversight of Wall Street, according to a new poll conducted by Lake Research Partners and Chesapeake Beach Consulting. Democrats and independents, and even many Republicans share the views of this crucial set of voters. - AFR/CRL Poll Shows Voters Overwhelmingly Oppose Rollbacks of Student Loan Protections (Oct 02, 2019)
Strong majorities across political parties show concern about the level of student debt in the United States and oppose the Department of Education’s and the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’s (CFPB) recent actions to weaken protections for students, according to a new poll released by Americans for Financial Reform (AFR) and the Center for Responsible Lending (CRL). - CFPB Debt Collection Proposal Faces Strong Bipartisan Opposition (Sep 11, 2019)
Strong majorities across parties oppose the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’s (CFPB) proposed debt collection rule including medical debt, according to a new poll released by Americans for Financial Reform (AFR) and the Center for Responsible Lending (CRL). - AFR/CRL Poll: Bipartisan Majorities See $1.5 Trillion Student Debt Burden As Crisis (Aug 09, 2018)
Majorities of American voters across parties believe that the student debt burden – now at $1.5 trillion – represents a crisis for the country, according to a new poll commissioned by Americans for Financial Reform and the Center for Responsible Lending. - AFR/CRL Poll Shows Wide Discontent With Mulvaney Path at CFPB (July 31, 2018)
Voters of all political parties overwhelmingly oppose the actions taken by Mick Mulvaney to undermine the mission of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau and feel a strong connection between lax enforcement of the rules on Wall Street and their daily welfare. Ten years after the 2008 financial crisis brought on a searing recession, the survey revealed enduring, strong, and bipartisan support for tougher regulation of Wall Street and predatory lenders. - Take On Wall Street Poll: Key Findings from Battleground Congressional District Survey on Curbing Wall Street’s Influence (May 29, 2018)
A new nationwide survey of likely 2018 voters in key battleground congressional districts reveals overwhelming, broad-based, and intense support for curbing big banks’ influence in Washington, and holding financial companies accountable for discrimination. - Take On Wall Street Poll: Messaging the Financial Transaction Tax (May 20, 2018)
A new nationwide survey of likely 2018 voters in key battleground congressional districts reveals overwhelming, broad-based, and intense support for curbing big banks’ influence in Washington, including solid backing for a Financial Transaction Tax, especially if it’s referred to as a “sales tax”. - Take On Wall Street Poll: Voters Support Efforts to Fight Lending Discrimination (May 11, 2018)
Across parties and regions, American voters believe the government should fight discrimination by financial firms against African-Americans and Latinos in lending. - AFR/CRL Polling Memo: Fifth Consecutive Year of Broad Backing of CFPB and Wall Street Reform (July 18, 2017)
For 5 years, Lake Research Partners and Chesapeake Beach Consulting have polled the public on Wall Street reform. For 5 years running, they have found broad, bipartisan support for the goals of the Dodd-Frank law — and more. - AFR/CRL Poll: Strong Bipartisan Support for Financial Regulation and CFPB (July 18, 2017)
- Bipartisan Poll: Americans Express Broad Support for Financial Regulation and the Work of the CFPB (July 15, 2016)
- How Many Banking Crises Until We Rein in Wall Street Pay? ( JUNE 2024)
- Private Equity’s Attacks on Basic Human Needs ( April 2024)
- Industry legal challenges the SEC private funds disclosure rule: what’s at stake ( March 2024)
- Reparations: How to Fund Them & Avoid a Wall Street Takeover ( March 2024)
- Taking Action Against Private Equity in Nursing Homes with Staff to Patient Ratios ( Nov 2023)
- Jake Bittle and the Great Displacement: a conversation about housing displacement and climate change (Sept 2023)
- A Conversation with Ben McKenzie ( Sept 2023)
- Media Conversation with Legal Experts to Preview Upcoming CFSA v. CFPB at Supreme Court ( Sept 2023)
- Lessons for Bank Regulation and Oversight from the 2023 Banking Stress ( July 2023)
- Doctored by Wall Street: Policy Solutions for Private Equity in Healthcare ( July 2023)
- Book Talk with Emily Flitter ( June 2023)
- Taking Action Against Private Equity in Nursing Homes ( April 2023)
- Public Money for the Public Good ( Jan 2023)
- Book Talk with Lev Menand ( Jan 2023)
- Standing Up for Consumers: A conversation with CFPB Director Rohit Chopra ( Dec 2022)
- The Fifth Circuit’s Attempt to Overhaul the CFPB – Press Event ( Oct 2022)
- “Surge Voters” & Anti-Corporate Inflation Messaging ( Oct 2022)
- Briefing on Private Equity Climate Risks ( Sept 2022)
- The Reality of Crypto: False promises, predatory practices, and better alternatives( July 2022)
- Lessons Learned from the Paycheck Protection Program ( June 2022)
- Toxic Money Series: Protecting Your Savings, Our Communities, and the Planet ( May 2022)
- Toxic Money: Wall Street’s Evil Twin: How Private Equity Propels the Climate Crisis ( April 2022)
- Book Talk: “Ethically Challenged” by Prof. Laura Olson ( April 2022)
- We want to hear YOUR story for our postal banking campaign! (March 2022)
- A Decade after Dodd-Frank: What Next? (August 2020)
- Big Bank Regulation Under the Trump Administration (May 2019)
- Wall Street And The Next Recession — Protecting Main Street In The Next Economic Downturn (March 2019)
- “Five Economic Experts in Dialogue on the Ten Year Anniversary of the Failure of Lehman Brothers” (September 2018)
- Regulating Wall Street — Ten Years Later, Where Do We Stand? (July 2018)
- Payday Loan Summit (December 2017)
- Black Edge: Book event with Sheelah Kolhatkar (November 2017)
- Glass-Steagall for the 21st Century (September 2017)
- Launch of Retirement Ripoff Counter (April 2017)
- Trump Marries Wall Street: Mock Wedding Ceremony at the Capitol (February 2017)
- Why We Need to Restore Glass-Steagall (Sept. 2016)
- Exploring Shadow Banking (July 2016)
- CFPB Fifth Birthday Bash (July 2016)
- Payday Loan Sharks – the Ruinous Scam Preying on Our Communities (July 2016)
- Launch of Take on Wall Street Campaign (May 2016)
- Hedge Funds and Private Equity (Nov. 2015)
- Capitol Hill Briefing on Postal Banking (Nov. 2015)
- Can Regulators End Too Big To Fail? A Discussion of Dodd-Frank Resolution Planning (Nov. 2015)
- Bond Market Liqudity, Regulation and the Public Interest (Aug. 2015)
- “How the Other Half Banks” – Book Event at National Press Club (Oct. 2015)
- Dodd-Frank at 5, the Consumer Bureau at 4 (July 2015)
- The Federal Reserve, Wall Street and Main Street (Dec. 2014)
- Moving Toward a Wall Street Tax (Sept. 2014)
- Banking Without Wall Street (May 2014)
- The Threat to Retirement Security (May 2014)
- Critiquing Cost-Benefit Analysis of Financial Regulation (May 2014)
- “An Unfinished Mission: Making Wall Street Work for All of Us” (Nov. 2013)
- “Financial Justice” Book Launch (Oct. 2013)
- “Futurization” and the Coming Transformation of the Swaps Market (Jan. 2013)
- Regulating Shadow Banking (Nov. 2013)
- Additional Events
- CFPB Arbitration Rule – statements by member organizations and allies
- CHOICE Act – letters, statements and background materials