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New York Times: Protection for Investors

The New York Times ran this prescient editorial in yesterday’s paper.  Here’s an excerpt: Another day, another test of Congress’s will to reform the financial system. The Investor Protection Act of 2009, which faces final votes on Wednesday in the House Financial Services Committee, would

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Vote No on Revised Adler Amendment

November 3, 2009 Don’t Be Fooled: Revised Adler SOX 404 Amendment Is Bad for Investors and Bad for the Economy Dear House Financial Services Committee Member: We understand that Congressman Adler plans to offer a revised amendment to weaken protections against accounting fraud at smaller

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Abusive Lending Practices by Smaller Banks and Thrifts

Download this information as a PDF. Provided by the Consumer Federation of America Over the years, many smaller banks and thrifts have adopted responsible, fair and sustainable mortgage lending practices. Small banks and thrifts that offer trustworthy credit and payment products should face a lower

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CNN: Are ‘Too Big To Fail’ Powers Just Too Big?

By Jennifer Liberto.  Excerpt: WASHINGTON ( — As Congress starts debating how to deal with financial firms deemed “too big too fail,” some lawmakers and advocates are worried about giving the executive branch expansive new powers over the financial sector. “Mr. Secretary, I’m not a

TIME: What’s Still Wrong with Wall Street

Are you furious? If not, you should be. The giant financial institutions that make up Wall Street have been bailed out, thanks to trillions of dollars of our money, and are on track to hand out record-breaking multibillion-dollar bonuses while millions of regular folks are