It’s Not Such a Wonderful Life… has made the clever video below using everyone’s favorite holiday movie, “It’s a Wonderful Life,” to remind us of the woes facing many families this holiday season. In the midst of so much foreclosure, debt, and job loss, whose side are your representatives in

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Consumerism Commentary

Host Tom Dziubek spoke with Heather Booth, Executive Director of Americans for Financial Reform.  Americans for Financial Reform is a coalition of over two hundred national, state and local consumer, labor, retiree, investor, community and civil rights organizations.  Tom and Heather discussed current and future

Washington Post: Bankers Making Turkeys out of Taxpayers

Dana Milbank of the Washington Post published this column today, pointing out how much the nation’s bankers have to be thankful for as they sit down for Thanksgiving turkeys tomorrow.  Here’s an excerpt: At this time last year, the American financial system was near collapse,

A One-Page Credit Card Agreement

Siegel+Gale put together this PDF which boils down a sample credit card’s terms to one page. While the language is simpler than your average 30-page contract, it’s still not ideal; note that the late fee is still $39, there’s  Binding Mandatory Arbitration language, and the

The Card Game

Have you ever waded through pages and pages of credit card contracts in an attempt to figure out what your interest rate will be? Have you overdrawn your account by a few cents, only to get slammed with a disproportionate fee? Would you be upset