Tag Archives: CFPB

sign for the CFPB outside a building

Statement: AFR Submits Statement for the Record for House Hearing Attacking the CFPB

Congress created the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau to prevent another financial crisis, and for the past 14 years it has diligently served the public, held financial firms accountable, cracked down on junk fees, and protected people from financial rip-offs. The vehemence of the Wall Street, Big Tech, and predatory financial industry’s attacks on the CFPB are a testament to its effectiveness in successfully standing up for people.

News Release: Trump Administration Joins Big Banks to Roll Back Protection on Junk Fees

The Trump administration has joined a group of big banks in an effort to destroy a vital safeguard against credit card junk fees that would have saved consumers $10 billion per year. As documented by AFR’s Wall Street Ripoff Counter, every day this CFPB rule is not in place, credit card users lose $2.7 million. To date, the bank lawsuit and now the Trump administration actions have cost consumers over $8.3 billion.

In The News: Trump Administration Moves to Shut Down Important Consumer Watchdog Agency (Consumers’ Checkbook)

Christine Chen Zinner at the nonprofit Americans for Financial Reform told Checkbook: “Consumers are voters, too.” She encourages “everyday people” to talk to their members of Congress to “elevate this agency into the public consciousness” so that it becomes “a political liability for any member of Congress who thinks it’s okay to continue dismantling the CFPB.”