Category Archives: Financial Reform News

Fill Senator Dodd’s Dance Card!

The Wall Street bankers who drove our economy off a cliff are lobbying as hard as ever against financial reform. The fight now moves to the Senate where Senate Banking Chairman Chris Dodd is in charge. Bank lobbyists think that Dodd will “dance with the

AFR Applauds President’s Announcement Of Financial Crisis Responsibility Fee

AFR Applauds President’s Announcement Of Financial Crisis Responsibility Fee;  Urges Additional Actions To Protect Consumers And Hold Wall St. Accountable Groups Also Urge Congress To Pass Financial Speculation Tax Washington, D.C. – Americans for Financial Reform (AFR) released the following statement today on the President’s

CEPR: Statement on President Obama’s Financial Crisis Responsibility Fee

For Immediate Release: January 14, 2010 Washington, D.C.- Center for Economic and Policy Research Co- Director Dean Baker released the following statement on the Obama administration’s proposal to impose a fee on the financial institutions that received TARP funds. Today, the White House announced a

BanksterUSA: Sleepless Nights on Wall Street, Nightmares on Main Street

AFR friend Mary Bottari posted this response to the FCIC hearings at The top bankers that were called to testify before the independent Financial Inquiry Crisis Commission in Washington today touched on the drama of the September 2008 financial crisis.  They complained of nervous

Sign the Petition: Tell Senator Dodd to “Dance” with Main Street

Sign the petition! Recently, a financial industry lobbyist said because Sen. Christopher Dodd (D-Conn.) is retiring, he is now free to “dance with the special interests that brought him to the dance in the first place. Us, his loyal donors in the banking community.” In

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Messaging for Financial Reform

AFR’s CORE MESSAGE SLOGAN: Hold the Big Banks Accountable Short Version Optional lead-in It’s outrageous that after taking trillions of our tax dollars in bailout money, the big banks are back to business as usual, taking billions in profits and bonuses and spending hundreds of

Here’s Your Chance to Ask a Banker

Bill Thomas, the Commissioner of the Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission (FCIC) today invited the public to send him any and all questions they have about the financial crisis.   Thomas said that the bankers will have to answer all questions even if they are trivial,

AFR to Big Wall Street Banks: Come Clean Before Angelides Commission

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE DATE: January 13, 2010 Washington, DC – As the Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission kicks off its first public hearing today, Americans for Financial Reform calls on big banks to not only justify their reckless behavior but also explain why they are working

Watch Bank of America Negotiate with Homeowners

Tomorrow evening, PICO faith leaders will take a big step forward to hold big banks accountable to our communities. PICO leaders from across the country will travel to Antioch Family Church in Antioch, CA to participate in the nation’s first negotiation session since the financial