Tag Archives: revolving door

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Joint Statement: Democratic Platform Calls for Strong Steps to Curb Revolving Door Abuses

“The financial crisis of 2008 exposed glaring weaknesses not only in the regulations governing Wall Street, but in the institutions charged with writing and enforcing them. It is good news that the Democratic platform includes language highlighting the revolving door and affirming a set of concrete steps to deal with aspects of this problem. It is of the utmost importance that any next president appoint regulators who are willing to stand up to Wall Street in order to stand up for the rest of us,” said Lisa Donner, director of Americans for Financial Reform.”

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AFR in the News: Democrats Are Fed Up with the SEC’s Weak Financial Crimefighting (New Republic)

“The lead agency for investor protection isn’t a natural target for the party’s liberal wing… But half of all Americans own some form of stock… More important, the securities industry has insinuated itself into more of American life. Individuals and small business increasingly get loans through the capital markets; our 401(k) plans are based on publicly traded investments… ‘We marketized our retirement system, we marketized our banking system, and the SEC is the main securities regulator,’ said Marcus Stanley, policy director for the coalition Americans for Financial Reform.”