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AFR Statement: House Committee Approves a Package of Wall Street Giveaways

“The package includes legislation that would release the nation’s largest banks from measures to prevent a financial crisis, saving them billions of dollars in expenses,” AFR’s Lisa Donner said. “It would also allow banks and fintech firms to cooperate in new forms of payday lending, and make investment products riskier for mom-and-pop savers. And it’s all happening against the backdrop of a big proposed tax cut for Wall Street.”

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AFR in the News: Scary thought: Trump now gets to pick the country’s top consumer watchdog (LA Times)

“Trump and Republican lawmakers have long characterized Cordray as an enemy of the people — a bureaucrat run amok, imposing his autocratic will on gentle, kindhearted businesses that only want to compete freely and fairly for people’s patronage… ‘And people who don’t understand what the bureau does might believe that,’ said Lisa Donner, executive director of Americans for Financial Reform. ‘But if you describe the bureau’s work to people… they overwhelmingly support it.'”

AFR Statement: On the Resignation of Richard Cordray from the CFPB

“Following a Wall Street-induced financial crisis that cost millions of people their homes and jobs, the CFPB began its work as the first federal body with the mission and capacity to stand up for everyday Americans in their dealings with the financial services companies who have such an impact on our lives each and every day. Obtaining $12 billion in relief for over 29 million Americans is a great accompishment.”

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AFR in the News: After Virginia Sweep, Democrats Join Republicans for More Bank Deregulation (The Intercept)

“[T]he Senate cabal has masked their handout by claiming to focus on relief for small community banks… [But] the proposal ‘includes over a dozen measures that would ease rules on banks, and a few minor changes for consumers that ought to be a given,’ said Marcus Stanley, policy director at Americans for Financial Reform, the main pro-regulatory advocacy group in D.C.”

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AFR Statement: Monopoly Man Highlights Need for Congress to Act on Consumer Rights

But the question is, what will Congress do after a hearing on data breaches? Will they act to restore our right to control information about our own lives, and protect our privacy, or will they let Equifax and other data brokers turn the problems they caused into an excuse for undermining existing state laws with a sham weaker federal standard that replaces them? Will they restrict access to the courts?