Letters to Regulators: Comment Letter in Response to CFPB’s Inquiry into Big Tech Payment Platforms

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December 21, 2021 

Submitted to Regulations.gov 

Director Rohit Chopra
Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection
1700 G Street NW
Washington, DC 20552 

Re: Big Tech Payment Platforms, Docket No. CFPB-2021-0017 

Dear Director Chopra, 

The 65 undersigned consumer, civil rights, faith, legal services and community groups submit  these comments in response to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’s (CFPB) inquiry into  certain business practices of six large technology companies operating payments systems in  the United States. In these comments, we would like to focus on consumer protections in those  payment systems, and in particular the lack of protection against consumer errors and fraud.  We also discuss the application of existing federal data governance laws. These comments will  not address other privacy issues, but we agree with other commenters that any data collected  through payment systems should be used only with consumer permission and in ways that they  would expect. 

Scams and errors can have a particularly harsh impact on low-income families and communities  of color. Payment system providers can do far more to protect consumers, and ultimately the  systems themselves will benefit if consumers have greater protection and confidence when  making person-to person (p2p) payments. 

The lack of protection in p2p systems plagues not only the payment systems of large technology  companies but also new or proposed faster p2p payment systems that operate through banks  and credit unions. Accordingly, we urge the CFPB to: 

  • Clarify that all payment services providers and financial institutions have an existing duty  under the Electronic Fund Transfer Act (EFTA) to investigate and resolve all errors  committed through p2p systems, including errors committed by consumers. 
  • Enact a rule to define fraud in the inducement as an error covered by the EFTA’s error  resolution procedures. 
  • Most urgently, without waiting for an EFTA rulemaking to be complete, work with the  Federal Reserve Board (FRB) to revise the proposed regulations for the soon-to-be launched FedNow payment system to require financial institutions to protect consumers  in the event of consumer errors or fraud in the inducement.
  • Clarify the protections when a consumer’s account is wrongfully frozen, generally  applying the EFTA’s error resolution framework. 
  • Clarify application of existing federal data governance laws including the Gramm-Leach Bliley Act (GLBA) and possibly the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA). 

As consumer, small business, civil rights, community and legal service groups described at  greater length in comments submitted three months ago to the FRB, the existing p2p payment  systems of large technology companies and financial institutions simply are not safe for  consumers to use. Scams often take the last dollar from those least able to afford it, and often  target older adults, immigrants and other communities of color. These communities, already  denied or stripped of wealth through discrimination over the centuries to the present day, can  least afford to lose money to scams and errors. Fast p2p payment systems, if properly  designed, can provide broad benefits to consumers. But those benefits will only be realized if  the systems are safe to use. 

The providers of these p2p systems make decisions about what safety features to install, when  to protect consumers, and how to monitor and react to red flags of potentially fraudulent  payments received by their customers. Unfortunately, these companies have made the decision  to prioritize speed, convenience and ubiquity at the expense of safety. They must instead take  responsibility for their choices and protect consumers when the systems they design and  implement result in predictable errors or fraud. 

Protecting consumers from errors and fraud will create greater incentives for payment system  providers to prevent those problems in the first place, benefiting everyone. Getting those  incentives right is the most important thing the CFPB can do, as companies that are incentivized  to prevent fraud and errors will use constantly improving technology and innovations to spot  potential scams and errors, aggregate reports of fraud, and freeze accounts that are being used to receive fraudulent funds before the funds are gone and before more consumers can be  defrauded. 

In today’s world of fintech and innovation, it is ironic that the primary response of payment  system providers to fraud and errors in p2p systems is to use old-fashioned disclosures and  warnings to consumers to “be careful” and not to send payments to people they do not know — even while promoting their systems for broad use. Scammers prey on consumers’ trust, and  warnings are far less effective than the sophisticated systems that payment providers can  design.  

It is especially important to flag the responsibilities of the institution that holds the account that  receives a fraudulent payment. Institutions already have the duty to know their customer and to  monitor accounts to prevent illegal activity. When they fail in those responsibilities and allow  their customer to use an account that enables a scam, it is appropriate for that institution to bear  the costs if the funds cannot be recouped. 

If fraud and error rates are low in the aggregate, the system can bear those costs and spread  them. If rates are high, then the systems clearly have fundamental problems that must be  addressed. But even a single instance of fraud or mistake can be devastating to a consumer.  The equities strongly favor protecting consumers with the same type of strong protection they  have in the credit card market.  

Accordingly, we have five requests. 

  1. The CFPB should make clear that the existing obligation under the EFTA to  investigate and resolve errors applies in the case of consumer errors in p2p  systems. There are no limitations in the definition of “error” that would eliminate errors  committed by consumers. Indeed, the EFTA generally protects consumers even in  situations when they are negligent. If a payment is made in error — whether to the wrong  person or in the wrong amount — it does not matter who made the error; the recipient is  not entitled to that payment, and it should be reversed. Thus, institutions should be  complying with their duty to investigate and resolve errors. 
  2. The CFPB should ensure that consumers using p2p services have protection from  scammers, using the Bureau’s EFTA rulemaking authority to define additional  “errors.” While payments that consumers are fraudulently induced to send fall outside  of the definition of “unauthorized charge,” fraudulently induced payments can still be considered an error triggering a duty to investigate and resolve the error. A payment  that was sent to an imposter or under other situations involving fraud can and should be  deemed an error. 
  3. Most urgently, the CFPB must work with the FRB to improve the proposed rules  governing the FedNow system to add in protection against consumer errors and  fraud. The FedNow system should not be launched unless and until consumers (and  small businesses) are protected from fraud and errors. Consumer protection issues  cannot be ignored in the FedNow rules and cannot wait for EFTA rules covering the  entire market. We have an opportunity now for FedNow to be a model for how other p2p  systems can and should operate, and the CFPB and FRB should work together to seize  that opportunity.
  4. The CFPB should clarify the rules and protections when accounts are frozen. If a  financial institution freezes an account because it spots red flags of fraudulent use or  identity theft, it is not clear how long the freeze may last or what rights consumers have if  they believe their account was wrongfully frozen. Our general view is that consumers  should have the right to contest a frozen account as an error under the EFTA (because  the freeze will prevent the correct debiting and crediting of electronic fund transfers), and  that error resolution procedures should apply: Unless law enforcement requires a  different result, the institution should have 10 days to resolve whether any funds in the  account should be unfrozen or whether the funds should be returned to the sender (or  held for distribution to victims). But the topic deserves more consideration, as we  recognize that the correct result requires balancing the importance of stopping fraudulent  use with the rights of consumers whose accounts are incorrectly frozen.
  5. With respect to data sharing issues, we urge the CFPB to make clear the  application of existing federal data governance laws, including GLBA and the  FCRA. A p2p payment system is most definitely a “financial institution” under GLBA  since payment processing is a “financial activit[y] as described in” the Bank Holding Act. Thus, any sharing of information with third parties is subject to the privacy notice  requirements of Regulation P, and the p2p company is subject to the data security  requirements of the Federal Trade Commission’s Safeguards Rule. To the extent that  the p2p company sells or shares information to a third party, it could be a furnisher under  the FCRA, or even a consumer reporting agency if the information is not first-hand  experience information and the third party uses it for credit, employment or other FCRA-covered purpose. And if consumer report information is shared internally between  affiliated companies, the affiliate marketing provisions of the FCRA are implicated.8 

Thank you for considering these comments.