Exploding Toasters and the Fight for Reform

On Tuesday, we hosted a successful webinar with Professor Elizabeth Warren, AFR Director Heather Booth, and Americans for Fairness in Lending.  Thanks to everyone who was able to join us for this exciting online event!  We had a great conversation and had tons of thoughtful questions asked by the audience.  We’d like to continue that discussion online.  If you have remaining questions, feel free to post them in the comments section of this post or in the discussion section of our Facebook page.

If you missed it or would like to share the webinar with your friends, you can click here for a recording.

As Professor Warren and Heather Booth emphasized, we can’t win this fight without everyone’s help.  The big banks will always be able to outspend consumers, so it’s up to us to make sure our voices are heard as the Senate considers financial reform legislation.  Use your words to make a difference by taking action today:

  1. Write to your Senators and ask them to strengthen the financial reform bill in the Senate.
  2. Write a letter to the editor of your local paper about the need for financial reform.  (Use this letter for talking points.)  Click here for contact information for media in your area.
  3. Sign our petition on Change.org.

(Photo: bixentro)