Jim Wallis to Jon Stewart: We won’t get an economic recovery without a moral recovery as well
Visit the Sojourners website to download the first chapter of Reverend Wallis’s new book, “Rediscovering Values: On Wall Street, Main Street, and Your Street.” Watch him on the Daily Show below: The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c Jim Wallis

Take Action: Put the Banks on Notice
Wall Street banks threw our economy into crisis. Bailing them out cost taxpayers hundreds of billions of dollars. It’s time to say enough, and send the banks a final notice. Since banks won’t rein themselves in, the government is going to have to do it.

Financial Reform Protest in Indiana is Picture Perfect
Grin and bear it? Not a chance. Consumers from around the city joined with activists from Americans for Financial Reform at Monument Circle in Indianapolis on January 19th to show Congress what they think about the need for financial reform legislation. Consumers posed in front

AFR Response to Industry Arguments Against Financial Reform
The Chamber of Commerce is descending upon Capitol Hill today, intending to kill financial reform. Read AFR’s letter urging the Senate to reject the Chamber’s false rhetoric Read about how the Chamber represents CEO special interests, not Main Street Small Businesses AFR offers the following

The U.S. Chamber: Agenda Set by CEOs Special Interests, Not Main Street Small Business
The U.S. Chamber of Commerce repeatedly claims that its agenda represents the interests of small businesses. However, recent investigations have shown that a relatively small number of large contributors dominate the U.S. Chamber’s funding. Meanwhile “Main Street” Chambers of Commerce – the organizations most small

AFR to Congress: Reject the Chamber’s False Rhetoric
The Chamber of Commerce is descending upon Capitol Hill today, January 20, intending to kill financial reform. Read about how the Chamber represents CEO special interests, not Main Street Small Businesses Read our responses to industry arguments against financial reform Below, read our letter to

Fill Senator Dodd’s Dance Card!
The Wall Street bankers who drove our economy off a cliff are lobbying as hard as ever against financial reform. The fight now moves to the Senate where Senate Banking Chairman Chris Dodd is in charge. Bank lobbyists think that Dodd will “dance with the

AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka on Record Wall Street Bonusus
Statement by AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka on Record Wall Street Bonuses January 19, 2010 “Hard-working Americans will not be ATMs for Wall Street” Just a year ago, Wall Street banks pleaded for taxpayers to bail them out to save us all from financial disaster. We

AFR Urges Chairman Dodd Not to Dump Cornerstone of Reform: Consumer Financial Protection Agency
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: Doug Gordon DATE: Friday, January 15, 2010 AFR Urges Chairman Dodd Not To Dump Cornerstone of Reform: Consumer Financial Protection Agency If Big Banks Win, Consumers Will Lose Washington, D.C. – Americans for Financial Reform released the following statement today following