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AFR’s Comment to the FDIC and Federal Reserve on Resolution Plans

AFR submitted a comment to the FDIC and the Federal Reserve on the rules implementing the Dodd-Frank requirement that companies submit “living wills” and records of credit exposures. “Living Wills” are plans detailing how the company could be resolved through the bankruptcy process without a need for government intervention. AFR supported the rules but suggested they be strengthened by requiring planning for situations of market stress and also by establishing more thorough and continuous records of credit exposures.

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This Week in Wall Street Reform

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Call Your Senators Right Now

Senators could be voting today on proposals to gut the CFPB and to repeal ALL of the progress we made on financial reform. In a last minute development, opponents of financial reform are pushing for votes TODAY on amendments to gut the new Consumer Financial

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The Warren Court

The New Yorker The Financial Page by James Surowiecki June 13, 2011   “Elizabeth Warren may well be the most popular person in Washington. When she was head of the Congressional Oversight Panel on TARP, her willingness to go after Wall Street, the Treasury Department,