Search Results for: marcus stanley

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AFR Briefing: Bond Market Liquidity, Regulation, and the Public Interest

Recent months have seen increasing claims by some industry participants and their allies that new regulations are negatively impacting bond market liquidity in ways that may harm the economy. What is the truth of these claims? Is there in fact a serious problem with bond market liquidity? Are recent market events such as the October 15th Treasury market disruption related to new regulation, or to other market changes such as increases in electronic trading? How should regulators respond?

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Dodd Frank Fifth Anniversary Conference

Tuesday, July 14th, 2:30 – 5:30 PM Russell Senate Office Building Room 485 Video Recording Elizabeth Warren, U.S. Senator from Massachusetts (Prepared remarks) Jerry Epstein, Professor, University of Massachusetts (Presentation slides) Marcus Stanley, Policy Director, Americans for Financial Reform (Presentation slides)

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AFR Statement on Senator Shelby’s Draft Bill

“Senator Shelby’s 216-page draft legislation makes sweeping changes that would significantly weaken key financial reforms passed in direct response to the events of the 2007-2009 financial crisis. It puts the wish list of the financial sector above protecting the stability of the US economy, and the safety of mortgage markets and of homebuyers. “

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AFR in the News (2012-2014)

Payday Lenders Lash Back at Bilking Accusations Kevin Cirilli, The Hill, 12/31/14 Federal Reserve Gives Yet another Gift to Big Banks Steve Straehley, AllGov, 12/22/14 Elizabeth Warren Escalates Fight over Treasury Nominee Antonio Weiss, Goes to War with Wall Street Wing of Democratic Party Yves