Category Archives: Actions

It is Time for Wall Street to Pay its Fair Share

As most Americans struggle to pay their share, we can’t help but notice that Wall Street is not. Many of the economic problems we face today, from deficits to unemployment, were in large part created by reckless and excessive speculation on Wall Street. It is therefore

Write your Senators: Oppose the so-called Jobs Act

The so-called “JOBS Act,” which guts a host of investor protections, including those put in place in the wake of the Enron scandal and the financial crisis, was rushed through the House without any attention to its potentially devastating impact on investors, market transparency, and the integrity of our capital markets. It is up for votes in the Senate today, and Senators will have a last chance to stop it from racing through as is, and to demand improvements to protect investors and the public.

Sign Our Petition

Tell Your Senators to vote to support the nomination of Rich Cordray to direct the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.   Rich Cordray will make an effective leader for the CFPB. He has an impressive and balanced record of public service. As Attorney General of Ohio,

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Contact Congress to Support Strong Financial Reform

The House and Senate are meeting in a “Conference Committee” to hammer out the differences between their two financial reform bills.  See a list of which members of Congress are on the committee below. Call Congress toll-free about financial reform at (866) 544-7573. Click here

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Senate and House Conference Committee on Financial Reform

Now that the Senate and House have both passed financial reform legislation, they will meet in a Conference Committee to hammer out the differences between their two bills.  (See posts about the House bill here, Senate here.) This means that the fight for strong reform

“Main Street Lobbyists” Visit Capitol Hill

Grassroots activists from around the country visited the Senate on Wednesday, April 28 with a clear message:  it’s time to pass financial reform.  Read about their visits here. These activists were part of the huge “Showdown” campaign to hold the banks accountable.  Under the campaign’s

Financial Reform 101 with Prof. Elizabeth Warren

Tuesday, April 6 4:00 – 4:45 pm Eastern time AFR is hosting a special online discussion with Professor Elizabeth Warren and AFR Director Heather Booth for the general public. Sign up here! Find out about reform efforts in Congress—including the Senate bill currently being debated,

What the B@nk?!

The Big Banks and Wall Street drove our economy off a cliff and are notorious for abusing consumers.  The question is, which of these outrages is NOT true? Some credit cards charge 79.9% interest There is a new foreclosure every 13 seconds Bankers remove $7