All posts by admin

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ABC News: Goldman Protests Mount

This week’s bonus actions are making the airwaves.  Folks around the country are turning up to protest the huge bonuses going to top executives at the banks which sank our economy and are fighting hard against financial reform.  This story from ABC News is an

Seattle Protests Criticize Big Bank Bonuses

This week’s bonus actions are making the airwaves.  Folks around the country are turning up to protest the huge bonuses going to top executives at the banks which sank our economy and are fighting hard against financial reform.  The story below from Fox News is

Diane Rehm: New Rules for Wall Street

AFR coalition member Travis Plunkett of the Consumer Federation of America and Professor Michael Greenberger discussed the Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act of 2009 on NPR today.  Listen here. The House takes up the biggest overhaul of laws covering banks and financial institutions