Tag Archives: Community Reinvestment Act

News Release: Revised CRA Regulations Have Teeth, Encourage Community Resilience Investments

Washington, D.C. — The Federal Reserve Board, the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation released a joint final rule to revise the regulations implementing the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA). This decision caps a long-awaited effort to modernize the rules to reflect the changing structure of the banking system and needs for community loans, investments, and services. 

Climate Vulnerability and Banking

Climate change is a risk multiplier that exacerbates racial and economic inequality, and it is progressing at an alarming rate. Acute and increasingly frequent climate-related disasters, such as wildfires and hurricanes, as well as chronic issues such as heat stress, sea level rise, and drought,

Federal reserve board

Letters to Regulators: Letter in Response to the Federal Reserve Board’s ANPR on the Community Reinvestment Act

Americans for Financial Reform Education Fund organized a letter to the Federal Reserve Board (FRB) in response to their advanced notice of proposed rule making (ANPR) on the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA). The letter outlined a number of guiding principles and approaches to ensure that any changes to the CRA framework would be limited to measures that will increase equity in bank investments and access to sustainable, wealth-building credit in underserved communities as the statute intended.

A gavel on top of a pile of currency

Letters to Regulators: Letters to OCC about Oportun’s Application for a National Bank Charter

Americans for Financial Reform Education Fund signs onto two comment letters to the OCC about Oportun’s application for a national bank charter. The letters express several concerns about Oportun’s practices regarding debt collection, lending and Community Reinvestment Act compliance planning. They urge the OCC to condition Oportun’s charter upon substantial improvement of these practices.

News Release: OCC Pursues Weakening of CRA Despite COVID-19 Impacts

Before the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, black homeownership was already at historically low levels nationwide and the racial wealth gap was widening, leaving communities of color with far less wealth and fewer resources for emergencies. COVID-19 has been particularly devastating for African-Americans, low-income families, and immigrants, who are bearing the brunt of the resulting economic fallout as well.

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News Release: OCC Headed in Wrong Direction with Plan on Community Reinvestment Act

The OCC proposal would dramatically limit the CRA’s effectiveness by distilling the complexity of the different credit needs of varied American communities to one numerical ratio and quantitative benchmarks, and would reduce public participation in the process that is fundamental to moving banks towards greater responsiveness to the needs of diverse customers and communities.