Tag Archives: Climate Change

Letters to the Regulators: Letter to the National Association of Insurance Commissioners Outlining the Need for Public, Transparent, and National Data Collection on the Property and Casualty Insurance Market

AFR joined the Consumer Federation of America and 18 other civil rights, housing, and climate advocacy groups in writing this letter to the National Association of Insurance Commissioners regarding the need for a public, transparent, and national data collection on the property and casualty insurance market.

Letters to Regulators: IOSCO Should Explicitly Acknowledge That Environmental and Social Integrity Are Critical Components of the Market Integrity of Carbon Credits

Americans for Financial Reform Education Fund (AFREF) submitted a comment letter on The Board of the International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO)’s Consultation Report outlining a proposed set of Good Practices to promote the integrity and orderly functioning of Voluntary Carbon Markets (VCMs).  IOSCO has

a green forest with a tornado looming

Letters to Regulators: CFTC Should Finalize Guidance and Continue Close Monitoring of Risks of Voluntary Carbon Credit Derivatives Contracts

Americans for Financial Reform Education Fund (AFREF) submitted a comment letter to the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (“CFTC”) on its proposed guidance for designated contract markets (“DCMs”) on commodity characteristics that should be considered in terms and conditions for the listing of voluntary carbon credit

Letters and Statements: OMB Should Approve Climate Data Call to Equip FIO and Other Financial Regulators with Information on How Climate Change is Affecting Homeowners Insurance Coverage

Americans for Financial Reform Education Fund submitted a comment letter to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for its approval, without delay, of the Department of the Treasury’s Federal Insurance Office (FIO) final proposed “Climate-Related Financial Risk Data Collection for U.S. Homeowners Multi-Peril Underwriting

Letters to Regulators: NCUA Budget for 2024-2025 Should Account for Climate-Related Financial Risk to Credit Unions and Consumer Protection Needs

Americans for Financial Reform Education Fund led and submitted a comment letter, to the NCUA on the agency’s draft 2024-2025 budget. The letter was endorsed by Green America, the National Coalition for Asian Pacific American Community Development, the National Fair Housing Alliance, New York Communities