Tag Archives: big tech

In The News: Big Tech Wants Your Paycheck (The Lever)

Although the ALEC bill offers some form of consumer protection from civil suits and collection agencies, it is really “a wolf in sheep’s clothing,” said Christine Chen Zinner, senior policy counsel at Americans for Financial Reform, a nonprofit focused on consumer protection and an ethical financial system. “I like to think of these as workplace payday loans, because that’s really what they are, they are a loan,” Chen Zinner told The Lever. “There’s an expectation to be repaid, there’s a consequence if they aren’t repaid, so it’s really a loan.”

the us capitol

Letters to Congress: Letter to Congress Regarding Google’s Entrance into Digital Asset Markets

We, the undersigned organizations, write to you as advocates of transparency in digital asset markets. The cryptocurrency market boom has led to large corporations investing in the field, including Facebook (now Meta), whose problematic “Libra” cryptocurrency proposal was scrutinized in a 2019 hearing held by the Committee, at your direction. Facebook has since abandoned the project in light of the concerns raised at this hearing and due to push back from policymakers, public interest organizations, and financial regulators. 

sign for the CFPB outside a building

Letters to Regulators: Second Comment Letter in Response to CFPB’s Inquiry into Big Tech Payment Platforms

AFREF, American Economic Liberties Project and Revolving Door Project sent a letter to the CFPB in response to their inquiry into Big Tech payment platforms. The letter expresses concern about Big Tech exploitation of digital payments technology, and expresses support for their recently opened inquiry into Big Tech’s power in this vital and growing market.