Letters to Congress: Letter to Nancy Pelosi Making it Clear that the President does have the Authority to Cancel Student Debt
AFR joined a letter to Speaker Pelosi making it clear that the President does have the authority to cancel student debt.
AFR joined a letter to Speaker Pelosi making it clear that the President does have the authority to cancel student debt.
Reappointing Mr. Powell “would be disappointing” for those who care about Mr. Biden’s agenda to address financial regulation, climate change and racial wealth gaps, said Erik Gerding, a senior fellow at Americans for Financial Reform, a nonprofit that argues for tougher financial regulation. “Having Jerome Powell continue would just mean one less vote for sustained and healthy regulation of the banking system.”
Americans for Financial Reform mourns the passing of AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka, and our thoughts are with his family, friends, and the workers for and alongside whom he fought for decades. President Trumka was committed to the fight for Wall Street accountability as an important ingredient of advancing worker rights and racial and economic justice, and under his leadership, the AFL-CIO has been a key pillar of the fight for a fairer, financial system. We will continue to be inspired by him as we continue to work for economic justice and racial equity.
Federal Reserve Board Chair Jerome Powell has presided over a broad deregulatory agenda that has made our financial system less resilient and driven rising wealth and income inequality.
AFR joined a letter to the House of Representatives in support of the Payment Choice Act.
AFR and 80 organizations sent a letter in support of Julia Gordon’s nomination for FHA Commissioner.
AFR joined a letter to Congress in support of the nomination of Dave Uejio as Assistant Secretary for Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity at the Department of Housing and Urban Development.
AFR joined a letter to Congress urging for an extension of the CDC’s eviction moratorium.
AFR sent a letter urging President Biden to appoint a new Director for the Office of Financial Research.
Americans for Financial Reform today applauded the introduction of the Veterans and Consumers Fair Credit Act of 2021, legislation that would extend the 36 percent APR interest rate cap on payday and car-title lenders in the Military Lending Act (MLA) to cover all Americans.