Event: Americans for Financial Reform and Allies Protest Fed Chair Powell Sleepwalking on Climate Chaos, Racial Inequality, and Wall Street greed

Americans for Financial Reform and allies today rallied in front of the Federal Reserve Board of Governors to highlight Fed Chair Jerome Powell’s failure to protect the U.S. economy from major systemic threats like climate change, racial and economic inequality, excessive risk-taking from the big banks, and private equity firms extracting wealth from communities and workers across the nation.

News Release: Sen. Elizabeth Warren and Rep. Mark Pocan Join Town Hall, Build Momentum for  Halting Private Equity Abuses of Workers, Communities

At a town hall hosted by United for Respect and Americans for Financial Reform, workers and leaders across industries came out strongly in support of the Stop Wall Street Looting Act. The event focused on the devastating impact of private equity firms on the quality and quantity of jobs across industries.

lawyer signing a document Photo by Helloquence on Unsplash

Letters to the Administration: Letter Urging Ambassador Susan Rice to Protect Civil Rights in the Use of Data-Driven Technologies

AFREF joined a letter urging Ambassador Susan Rice to place a high priority on ensuring data-driven technologies, including algorithmic decision making, artificial intelligence, and machine learning increasingly used to make important decisions about people’s lives, protect civil rights, prevent unlawful discrimination, and advance equal opportunity.