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In the News: Banks Fall Short on Mortgage Help

Banks Fall Short on Mortgage Help Govt. Report Shows 15 Percent of Eligible Borrowers Offered Help; Bank of America, Wells Fargo Lag Behind Other Big Banks By MATTHEW JAFFE and ALICE GOMSTYNAugust 4, 2009 Fewer than one in five homeowners eligible for the Obama administration’s

The Philadelphia Inquirer: Taking down dirty lenders

The Philadelphia Inquirer ran this excellent opinion piece on August 3.  Here’s an excerpt: Credit card and mortgage consumers need help to level the playing field. By Adam Benforado The $3-trillion-a-year consumer financial-services industry wants you to play a game with them, one on one.

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AFR Urges Congress to Regulate the Derivatives Markets

Americans for Financial Reform (“AFR”) is a coalition of nearly 200 national, state and local consumer, employee, investor, community and civil rights organizations who seek meaningful reform of our banking and financial system. A list of the AFR coalition members is attached. AFR writes to

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June and July, 2009

NTIC Community Meetings with the Federal Reserve July 16 – August 22 July 14- Click Here to view the day’s Events in Support of a Consumer Financial Protection Agency June 24- 5:30 PM,  Taxpayer-Shareholder Protest Meeting at Bank of America HQ, San Francisco. We’ll rally at

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Letter to Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner concerning HAMP

July 28, 2009 Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner United States Department of the Treasury 1500 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20220 Dear Secretary Geithner: As consumer, community and faith‐based organizations working to stop preventable foreclosures, we are deeply concerned by the slow pace at which many

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AFR Coalition Partners Highlight Loan Modifications

Organized by Americans for Financial Reform and their coalition partners, Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN) and PICO National Network, held a press conference today highlighting testimony from homeowners whose lenders continue to drag their feet performing loan modifications, despite the Administration’s plan

Support the Fight to get Elizabeth Warren Nominated: Donate

Americans for Financial Reform has been fighting for over a year to fix our economy, protect consumers, and prevent another economic meltdown.  Now, we’re turning our attention to getting the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau off to the powerful start it needs by supporting Professor Elizabeth