Recent Polling Data on Financial Reform Legislation
Provided by Lake Research Partners
Provided by Lake Research Partners
October 13, 2009 The Honorable Barney Frank Chairman Committee on Financial Services United States House of Representatives Washington, DC 20515 Re: Realtor Exemption in H.R. 3126 Consumer Financial Protection Agency Dear Chairman Frank: Thank you for your leadership in advancing legislation to create a much-needed
October 8, 2009 The Honorable Barney Frank Chairman Committee on Financial Services United States House of Representatives Washington, DC 20515 Re: School Loan Exemption in H.R. 3126 Consumer Financial Protection Agency Dear Chairman Frank: Thank you for your leadership in advancing legislation to create a
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: Doug Gordon, 202-822-5200 DATE: October 7, 2009 Americans for Financial Reform: Congress Needs To Take On Big Banks, Protect Consumers Draft Legislative Language On Derivatives Is Not Enough; All Transaction Need to Be Transparent Washington, DC – Americans for Financial Reform
On October 7, USA Today ran this excellent opinion piece. Here’s an excerpt: New financial watchdog could curb abusive practices, limit fine print. In Washington, it’s always easier to kill a new idea than to promote one. And that’s what the banking industry is counting
click here for link Thursday, October 1, 2009 For more than three hours Wednesday, supporters and opponents of a new federal agency that would oversee mortgages, credit cards and other consumer financial products dug deeper into their trenches in Room 2128 of the Rayburn House