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NYT: Dodd Comments on State of Financial Reform Bill

In a recent article about financial reform legislation, Senator Dodd talked about the bipartisan work that has been done so far but said, “for now we have reached an impasse.”  AFR was mentioned in the article: Heather Booth, executive director of Americans for Financial Reform,

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South Bend Tribune: Loan Reform Needed

A student at the University of Indiana published this op-ed in an Indiana paper supporting the Consumer Financial Protection Agency. High-cost, unregulated private student loans are just one example of why we need a strong Consumer Financial Protection Agency. U.S. Sen. Evan Bayh, D-Ind., sits

Heather Booth: Beware Frank Luntz’s Lies

AFR Director Heather Booth has a new column on the Huffinton Post exposing Frank Luntz’s lies about financial reform.  Here’s an excerpt from her post: Seen this ad from the “Committee for Truth in Politics”? If the name weren’t comical enough, the visuals are. But

The Main Street Brigade is Underway

The Main Street Brigade is a rapid response team, nationwide, that can be activated to protect our communities against just this kind of devastation. Right now, we are ALL vulnerable to the big banks, CEOs and Wall Street institutions whose irresponsibility and risky behavior caused