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Treasury Department Signals Support for CFPA

In a recent speech to the Credit Union National Organization, Assistant Secretary Michael S. Barr talked about the Treasury Department’s support for a Consumer Financial Protection Agency. Click here to see the full speech, or click here for a summary of the major points.

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Bonus Bonanza Needs to Be Reined In

“The big money is back on Wall Street” – New York Times, 2/23/10 Advocates Take to the Web to Weigh in to Restrain Banks from Rewarding Risky Behavior Washington, DC – In light of Chairman Barney Frank’s hearing today on the outrageous compensation packages that

New TV Ad: Sen. Tester, Keep Fighting for Financial Reform

“That [Committee for Truth in Politics] ad is confusing a lot of folks, because it’s not true.” – Sen. Jon Tester [Billings Gazette, 2/10/10] Washington, D.C. – Americans for Financial Reform and Americans United for Change unveiled a new television ad today supporting Sen. Jon

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Huffington Post: The Real Price of Proprietary Trading

James Crotty, Gerald Epstein, and Iren Levina have co-authored an article regarding financial reform, the “Volcker Rule,” and the real cost of propriety trading.  Here is the introduction to the article: President Obama’s endorsement of the “Volcker Rule” — a set of proposals designed to