Iowans for Financial Reform
Citizens in Iowa delivered petitions supporting strong financial reform to the three Iowa Congressional district offices in Des Moines today, to Rep. Boswell, Sen. Harkin, and Sen. Grassley.
Citizens in Iowa delivered petitions supporting strong financial reform to the three Iowa Congressional district offices in Des Moines today, to Rep. Boswell, Sen. Harkin, and Sen. Grassley.
Read the full article here. Here is an excerpt: NEW YORK (TheStreet) — While Main Street headed to lawmakers’ doorsteps with thousands of voter petitions on Wednesday to sway the debate on financial reform, Wall Street and corporate America were spending big bucks on lobbyists. Both
Heather Booth, AFR Director, and Ed Mierzwinski of US PIRG spoke on Coffee Party radio yesterday explaining the status of financial reform and how Americans can get involved. Listen to internet radio with Coffee Party USA on Blog Talk Radio
June 22, 2010 Senator Scott Brown Senator Susan Collins Senator Chuck Grassley Senator Olympia Snowe To Senators Brown, Collins, Grassley, and Snowe: The Americans for Financial Reform (AFR) coalition is grateful for your support for the landmark Wall Street reform legislation passed by the Senate
June 22, 2010 The Honorable Christopher Dodd The Honorable Barney Frank Re: AFR positions on proposed House offer on Title XIV We write on behalf of Americans for Financial Reform regarding the proposed House Conference offer on Title XIV of the financial reform bill, relating
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE June 22, 2010 Americans Send Message to Members of Congress: Main Street has its Eye on Wall Street Reform As the Chamber of Commerce fronts for big banks and pretends to represent Main Street, community leaders, who see the daily impact of
June 22, 2010 Chairman Christopher Dodd Chairman Barney Frank Re: AFR positions on proposed House offer on Title X Dear Senator/Representative: We write on behalf of Americans for Financial Reform regarding the proposed House Conference offer on Title X of the financial reform bill, relating
Oppose the House Offer on H.R. 4173 to Exempt Attorneys Engaged in Unfair, Deceptive or Abusive Consumer Financial Practices June 22, 2010 House-Senate Conferees, H.R. 4173 Dear Senator or Representative: Americans for Financial Reform and the undersigned organizations – including several that have or serve
June 18, 2010 To Members of the H.R. 4173 Restoring American Financial Stability Act of 2010 Conference Committee Re: Opposition of the Fed to regulate Securities, Futures and Derivatives Clearinghouses Dear Conferee: The over 250 consumer, employee, investor, community, small business and civil rights groups
For Immediate Release June 18, 2010 AFR Works Across the Country to Show Support for Wall Street Reform To show the continued momentum on Main Street for financial reform, on Tuesday, June 22, community leaders in 25 cities will deliver petitions from 100,000 angry constituents