Newsweek: Pick Elizabeth Warren

A recent article in Newsweek advised the President to pick Elizabeth Warren to head the CFPB.  Click here to read the full article.

Warren’s fierce independence is exactly what makes the control freaks in the White House uncomfortable. Their doubts about her can be traced to the same economic boys’ club that sniped at FDIC chief Sheila Bair and more recently blocked Laura Tyson, the top economist in the Clinton administration, from being the new head of the Office of Management and Budget. Geithner and Larry Summers aren’t condescending to Warren (anymore), but they prefer other candidates. Their friend Rahm Emanuel is privately worried about her confirmability. Man up, Rahm. If a big fight over Warren comes (and I doubt it will), the battle won’t be a distraction from the Democrats’ fall campaign but the best thing that ever happened to it.