Comment Letter: End Payday Lending “Debt Trap”
AFR signed onto a comment letter urging the CFPB to use all tools available to end the destructive and abusive practices of payday lending.
AFR signed onto a comment letter urging the CFPB to use all tools available to end the destructive and abusive practices of payday lending.
Goldman Sachs under pressure to reveal lobby ties -Ronald D. Orol ( MarketWatch) April 23, 2012 “Public knowledge about the company’s range of advocacy is limited to what’s in its formal disclosures. But Marcus Stanley, policy director at Americans for Financial Reform, said he assumes
AFR sent a letter to members of congress urging them to oppose HR 3336, which would expand already generous regulatory exemptions for large financial entities.
AFR sent a letter to the CFPB regarding their Qualified Mortgage/Ability to Repay proposal.
AFR sent a letter to the members of the House Financial Services committee opposing budget proposals that would cut the CFPB’s budget and subject it to appropriations. The proposals would also repeal resolution authority and HAMP.
AFR submitted a comment letter urging the CFPB to thoroughly examine debt collectors and credit bureaus who affect millions of consumers. Supervision of debt collectors and credit bureaus enables the CFPB to detect problems early, prevent or resolve violations quickly, and have a better understanding of the consumer products and services it regulates.
AFR sent a letter to the SEC and CFTC urging them to hold the line on their definition of swap dealer and not to radically change it.
Derivatives Lobby Has U.S. Regulators on the Run -Roger Lowenstein (Bloomberg) April 17, 2012 “The derivatives industry is squeezing Washington like a python. Desperate to control the tone and thrust of derivatives regulation, industry lobbyists have been swarming over the Commodity Futures Trading Commission and
Have you – or others you know – been charged an overdraft fee on your checking account? Is it unclear what the costs and benefits of overdraft systems are? Or what are the alternatives? Well, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) wants to hear from
AFR sent a letter to the House urging members to oppose HR 3527, which would create unnecessary roadblocks to enforcement of derivatives oversight on big Wall Street banks and the financial services industry.