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Coates and Pozen: Bill to Help Businesses Raise Capital Goes Too Far

“The House voted 390 to 23 last week for a bill (PDF) to provide regulatory relief for small companies trying to raise capital. The bill is moving quickly through the Senate; no one likes unnecessary regulations that burden economic growth. But this bill does more than trim regulatory fat; parts of it cut into muscle. Small businesses will have a harder time raising capital if investors do not receive sufficient disclosures or other legal protections.”

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SEC Commission Aguilar: Investor Protection is Needed for True Capital Formation

“Last week, the House of Representatives passed H.R. 3606, the ‘Jumpstart Our Business Startups Act.’ It is clear to me that H.R. 3606 in its current form weakens or eliminates many regulations designed to safeguard investors. I must voice my concerns because as an SEC Commissioner, I cannot sit idly by when I see potential legislation that could harm investors. This bill seems to impose tremendous costs and potential harm on investors with little to no corresponding benefit.”