AFR Press Statement: Senate Passage of JOBS Act

“We are deeply disappointed by the Senate passage of the so called “JOBS Act.” With the country still suffering from hard times and high unemployment in the wake of the financial crisis, it is almost unbelievable that the Senate would rush passage of measures that will undermine transparency and accountability in the capital markets, and expose our families to a new round of fraud and abuse. But that is what they have done.”

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AFR Press Statement: Big Banks Seek to Undermine and Negate the Volcker Rule

“The Wall Street Journal has reported that the big banks are pressing Congress for a statutory delay in the implementation of the Volcker Rule. They claim that the fact that the law will become effective this July, possibly before all the rules are finalized, will lead to disruptions in our financial markets. But that’s simply not true. …his lobbying effort should be see for what it is — just another effort to undermine and negate the Volcker Rule so that Wall Street can continue proprietary speculation while taking advantage of the safety net taxpayers provide to the banking system.”

Write your Senators: Oppose the so-called Jobs Act

The so-called “JOBS Act,” which guts a host of investor protections, including those put in place in the wake of the Enron scandal and the financial crisis, was rushed through the House without any attention to its potentially devastating impact on investors, market transparency, and the integrity of our capital markets. It is up for votes in the Senate today, and Senators will have a last chance to stop it from racing through as is, and to demand improvements to protect investors and the public.