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American Banksters

For those who have forgotten (or never fully understood) the tawdry details of the housing bubble and foreclosure epidemic, the Opportunity Agenda breaks it all down in “American Banksters.”  This three-minute video aims to inspire public activism and help bring pressure upon the presidential candidates

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Public Interest Groups Urge Opposition to HR 2827

AFR, The Leadership Conference, AFL-CIO, AFSCME, U.S. PIRG, Public Citizen, and Consumer Federation of America. While this legislation is an improvement on earlier versions of the bill, it still represents a significant weakening of taxpayer protections created by the Dodd-Frank Act to prevent fraud, abuse, and deception in Wall Street financial dealings with municipalities.

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AFR in the News: Senators Want to Empower White House to Block “Costly” Financial Regulations

Imagine a world where banks can appeal to the highest office in the land for help if some pesky financial regulator tries to tell them what to do… In fact, there is a bill slouching its way through the Senate right now that would give the president of the United States the power to slam the brakes on new regulations that banks find insufficiently lenient…

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AFR Comment Letter to CFPB on High Cost Mortgage Loans

AFR submitted a comment letter to the CFPB on their proposed rules implementing Dodd-Frank changes regarding high cost mortgage loans. The letter argues against changing triggers for high cost loans for smaller loans ­ which the statute allows but does not require, and argues that the proposal should be strengthened in various ways, including by making sure that borrowers in revolving lines of credit get the same protections as those in closed end mortgages.