AFR Press Advisory: Municipal Finance – Preventing Exploitation of Taxpayers And The Public
Audio recording of this tele-conference available by calling (605) 562-3099. Reference (call) #6. Enter Access Code 815383#.
Audio recording of this tele-conference available by calling (605) 562-3099. Reference (call) #6. Enter Access Code 815383#.
AFR sent a letter to the hill opposing HR 797. This legislation represents a major weakening of new protections created by the Dodd-Frank Act to prevent predatory behavior in Wall Street financial dealings with municipalities. These protections are critical to protecting taxpayers and citizens from exploitation.
AFR released a statement in support of “The Wall Street Trading and Speculators Tax Act”
AFR signed onto a letter along with more than 60 organizations supporting “The Wall Street Trading and Speculators Tax Act” sponsored by Senator Harkin and Rep. DeFazio.
AFR sent a letter to the CFTC Commissioners in support of robust price competition and transparency requirements for Swaps Execution Facilities (SEFs).
AFR submitted a comment letter to the CFPB calling for yield spread premiums to be included in the calculation of points-and-fees thresholds. This inclusion is very important to carrying out the Dodd-Frank Act directive that prohibits steering borrowers to more expensive loans.
SEC faulted on proposed capital, margin, and segregation requirements for Security-Based Swap Dealers (“SBSDs”), and capital requirements for Broker Dealers.
Ed Mierzwinski of US PIRG (also the head of AFR”s consumer protection task force) appeared on WBUR-FM with a Washington Post reporter and a Heritage Foundation fellow.
AFR submitted a comment letter to the Financial Stability Oversight Council urging an increase of oversight of money market mutual funds to address the systemic risk not fully addressed by current oversight rules.
AFR submitted a comment letter to the CFPB arguing for the need of rigorous consumer protections attached to any corporate field testing of new disclosure forms.