Search Results for: marcus stanley

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Municipal Finance: Preventing Exploitation of Taxpayers and the Public

AFR Teleconference on the Path Forward for Municipal Finance Reform March 4, 2013 Participants: Marcus Stanley – Policy Director, Americans for Financial Reform Nathan R. Howard – Chief Counsel, National Association of Independent Public Financial Advisors (NAIPFA) Lisa Lindsley – Director, Capital Strategies, American Federation

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AFR in the News: Pressing the Case for Derivatives Reform

The Agriculture Committee’s bills would “enable public bailouts of swaps dealers, weaken the ability of regulators to control derivatives trading in overseas subsidiaries of Wall Street banks and establish a blanket exemption for derivatives transactions among the thousands of subsidiaries of global banks.”

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Cross-Border Exemption = Backdoor Repeal

A tele-press conference on the cross-border application of Dodd-Frank derivatives reforms. PARTICIPANTS: Michael Greenberger, Professor, University of Maryland Francis King Carey School of Law; former Director of Trading and Markets for the Commodity Futures Trading Commission Wallace Turbeville, Senior Fellow at Demos; former Vice President