News Release: Payday Lender, Eastman Briefs Highlight Weak Legal Case Against CFPB

Washington, D.C. — Briefs filed by the payday lending lobby and John Eastman, the lawyer who tried to help former President Trump overturn the 2020 election, highlight the extremely weak legal case that this predatory industry has against the funding of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, a vital federal agency that polices the financial services market on behalf of everyday people. 

In The News: Lawmakers ask how big is too big for US banks (

“Cox compares the restrictions on bank M&A with the Herfindahl-Hirschman Index, first developed as a way to calculate concentration in the airline industry,” said Alex Philo, senior policy analyst at Americans for Financial Reform. “The Department of Justice allows this to go up to 2,500 in other sectors, says Cox, but for banks, the limit works out at 1,800, and an acquisition can cause a bank’s index to jump by 200 points.”

In The News: SEC Advisory Group Calls for Leveraged ETFs Name Change (Financial Times)

The recommendation of requiring a minimum number of holdings to qualify as an ETF would also effectively make single-stock ETFs illegal, Park noted. “We decided that recommendation was going to be a distraction,” Park said. “Effectively, the genie is out of the bottle on this.” “There’s a difference between losing money because you made a bad trade and losing money because you didn’t know how the product worked,” Park said.

Letters to Regulators: NCUA Should Bolster Staff Capacity, Training, Tools, Research & Analysis, and Guidance on Climate-related Financial Risk

Americans for Financial Reform Education Fund submitted a comment letter endorsed by The Greenlining Institute and Public Citizen, in response to the National Credit Union Administration (NCUA)’s request for information on climate-related financial risk. The letter urges the NCUA to proceed with critical next steps