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AFR in the news: FDIC report undercuts claim that Dodd-Frank harms bank lending (Politico)

“‘How long can industry lobbyists get away with saying Dodd-Frank has harmed lending and harmed profits in the banking industry when the numbers go completely the other way?’ said Marcus Stanley, a policy director at Americans for Financial Reform.

The increase included a 5.1 percent rise in commercial and industrial loans, a 7.5 percent gain in commercial real estate loans and a 4.8 percent uptick in residential mortgages, the FDIC said in its quarterly banking profile.”

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Letters to Regulators: Federal Reserve Commodity Proposal

“AFR strongly supports measures to both limit and control risks of physical commodity involvement at financial holding companies. …Specifically, we support the new consolidated limits on the total size of commodity holdings, the capital increase to 300 percent risk weights applied to commodities held under 4(k), and more…”

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AFR in the News: Trump Said to View Consumer Watchdog as ‘Unaccountable’ (Wall St. Journal)

“Consumer advocates pushed back against Mr. Trump’s statement. ‘Directory Cordray has been an effective and responsible head of the CFPB,’
said Lisa Donner, executive director of Americans for Financial Reform. ‘Under his leadership it has been accountable to the American people, delivering over $12 billion in relief for more than 29 million people, a publicly searchable complaint system, and rules of the road to make lending fairer.’”

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AFR in the News: CFPB, Cordray, Win Second Chance to Avoid a Trump Firing (Bloomberg)

“A U.S. appeals court in Washington on Thursday granted the CFPB’s request to reconsider an October decision that stripped Cordray of his job protection, which left him at the mercy of Trump and a pro-business Republican-led Congress… Also weighing in on behalf of the CFPB are Americans for Financial Reform, the Consumer Federation of America, the U.S. Public Interest Research Group and one of the bureau’s biggest proponents, Democratic Senator Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts.”

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Joint Statement: The CFPB’s Work Is Important to Military Families and Veterans

“There is a clear and compelling public interest that Congress continue to support vigorous enforcement of laws that protect military families from wrongful financial practices… [T]he strong record of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau and its Office of Servicemember Affairs underscores the need for Congress to resist efforts that seek to hamstring this work. Tampering with the agency’s authorities, structure, and independence would be harmful to military families and honest companies across the country.”

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AFR IN THE NEWS: Ohio senators split votes on Trump pick to lead Treasury (Dayton Daily)

“‘It should be a very grave concern to every Senator that new evidence that One West engaged in illegal robo-signing keeps turning up, even though Mnuchin denied it,’ said Lisa Donner, executive director of Americans for Financial Reform. ‘They should be demanding honest answers, and demand that any candidate for Treasury Secretary demonstrate a commitment to following the law.’”