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AFR Report: Warren Endorses Need for Action on Wall Street Role in Home Rental Market

In the past 10 years, nine big Wall Street firms have fundamentally altered the rental landscape in their targeted cities across 13 states by eliminating the human aspects of the relationship between tenants and their landlord. In some areas, the largest SFR companies own a large percentage of all single family rentals in a given zip code – up to 12.5 percent in some areas.

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Stop the Debt Trap Statement: Mulvaney Drops Lawsuit Against Payday Lenders Charging More Than 950% Interest

“This abrupt and reckless decision by Mick Mulvaney shows the level of disdain he has toward working families. He’s giving a free pass to his past campaign contributors, and he is enabling payday lenders to get away with charging obscene triple digit interest rates in violation of state law, to people who are already struggling to make ends meet.”

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Stop the Debt Trap Statement: Mulvaney, Predatory Lenders Signal Plan to Kill Payday Lending Rule

“This move shows the level of influence that payday lenders have over Mick Mulvaney, who for years received campaign contributions while a member of Congress. With today’s announcement, Mulvaney is sending an unmistakable signal that he wants to kill this common-sense regulation.” Payday loans “trap borrowers in an unaffordable cycle of debt, causing severe financial harm such as bank penalty fees, delinquency on other bills, or even bankruptcy. There is no reason to reopen the rule, and doing so shows disdain for consumer protection and low-income communities that are targeted by these debt trap loans.”