Search Results for: marcus stanley

Letters to Regulators: Joint letter to the SEC urging Chairman Clayton to withdraw anti-investor guidance that would undermine independent audits of public companies.

View or download a PDF version of the letter. Consumer Federation of America AFL-CIO Better Markets Center for American Progress Americans for Financial Reform November 21, 2018 Dear Chairman Clayton: We are writing to express our grave concerns regarding PCAOB staff guidance on Rule 3526(b),

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News Release: AFR Education Fund Statement on Office of Financial Research Staff Working Paper on the Volcker Rule

This new paper does not contradict previous comprehensive studies finding that liquidity in the corporate bond market has been robust and has shown no signs of deterioration over the period in which the Volcker Rule was implemented. The OFR staff working paper does find evidence that banks affected by the Volcker Rule charge significantly lower markups for newly issued bonds they underwrite (that are exempt from most Volcker Rule restrictions on proprietary trading) than they do for other types of bond trades covered by the Volcker Rule.

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Letters to Regulators: Americans for Financial Reform Education Fund letter opposing the FDIC relaxing the process of resolution planning for Insured Depository Institutions

Americans for Financial Reform Education Fund raised concerns over weakening resolution planning requirements intended to prepare large bank holding companies for an orderly resolution in conventional bankruptcy without risk to financial stability and without any reliance on extraordinary public support of the failed bank or its counterparties.

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Letters to Regulators: Americans for Financial Reform Education Fund letter opposing banking regulators weakening big banks’ resolution planning requirements

Americans for Financial Reform Education Fund sent a letter to banking regulators opposing a proposal that would make the resolution planning process substantially less stringent than it currently is, and raising concerns over the safety and soundness of individual banks and the effect on U.S. financial stability.