Category Archives: Uncategorized

Letters to Congress: Letter in Opposition to SB 21

View or download a PDF of the letter here. Americans for Financial Reform, Consumer Federation of America, and Public Citizen led a letter in opposition to Delaware Senate Bill 21 (SB 21) with 29 additional signatories. If passed, SB 21 would overhaul Delaware corporate law

News Release: Trump Administration Joins Big Banks to Roll Back Protection on Junk Fees

The Trump administration has joined a group of big banks in an effort to destroy a vital safeguard against credit card junk fees that would have saved consumers $10 billion per year. As documented by AFR’s Wall Street Ripoff Counter, every day this CFPB rule is not in place, credit card users lose $2.7 million. To date, the bank lawsuit and now the Trump administration actions have cost consumers over $8.3 billion.

Blog: Trump CFPB Drops Case against Zelle, Siding with Banks Over Defrauded Users

The Trump-appointed CFPB leadership dropped its case against digital payment app Zelle, a joint venture between Wells Fargo, JPMorgan Chase, and Bank of America,  delivering a de facto pardon to the company for failing to protect its users from fraud and identity theft that cost customers more than $870 million over seven years. The move comes only a day before the Republican Senate is expected to vote on legislation to permanently weaken oversight of digital payment apps.

sign for the CFPB outside a building

News Release: AFR Statement on Unlawful Step to Shut Down CFPB Headquarters

The Trump administration’s plan to shut down CFPB headquarters is the latest unlawful attack on a government agency that truly works for people. Following mass purges, forcing staff onto administrative leave, slashing funding, freezing regulatory activity, and halting enforcement actions, this step is a blatant attempt to irreversibly shutter the agency in utter defiance of the law, even as the Trump administration is losing court cases for its overreach.