Category Archives: Letters and Statements

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Letter to Regulators: Stop The Debt Trap Short Letter on CFPB’s Proposal to Repeal Payday Rule

We, the undersigned 429 civil rights, consumer, labor, faith, veterans, senior, business, and community organizations from 46 states plus the District of Columbia write to vehemently oppose the proposed rescission of the common sense ability-to-repay requirements of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (the Bureau)’s 2017 payday and vehicle title loan rule (“Ability-to-Repay Rule” or “Rule”).

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Letter to CA State Assembly: AFR Supports the Student Borrower Bill of Rights (AB 376)

Americans for Financial Reform wrote to the California State Assembly in support of AB 376, the Student Borrower Bill of Rights. AB 376 would make California the first state in the nation to create a comprehensive set of rights for people holding student debt, by requiring student loan companies to treat borrowers fairly and giving borrowers the right to hold these companies accountable when they fail to meet basic servicing standards.

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Comunicado De Prensa: Capital Privado Amenaza A Residentes De Viviendas Prefabricadas

Muchos de los inversionistas de capital privado y de bienes raíces más grandes del mundo, administrando más de $1.77 billones en activos, han estado comprado comunidades de viviendas prefabricadas a un ritmo acelerado y han aumentado estrepitosamente los alquileres y otros costos, lo cual representa una nueva gran amenaza para la seguridad económica de millones de adultos mayores, personas con discapacidades, familias, e inmigrantes que necesitan viviendas de bajo costo; según reporta un nuevo informe.

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News Release: Private Equity Threatens Manufactured Home Residents

Many of the largest private equity and real estate investors in the world, managing more than $1.77 trillion in assets, have bought up manufactured home communities at a rapid pace and raised rents and fees sharply, posing a dramatic new threat to the economic security of millions of seniors, people with disabilities, families, and immigrants in need of low-cost housing, according to a new report.