Category Archives: Letters and Statements

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Joint Statement: Coalition Applauds Bicameral Resolution Calling on Biden to Cancel $50K of Student Debt

We, the undersigned 50 organizations, applaud Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, Senator Elizabeth Warren; Representatives Pressley, Adams, Bowman, Jones, Omar, and Torres; and Chairwoman Waters for their bicameral resolution urging President Biden to take executive action to cancel up to $50,000 in federal student loan debt using legal authorities already granted by Congress. Cancelling student debt will provide both immediate financial relief to millions of Americans and crucial economic stimulus for everyone during this protracted crisis. This action would also boost GDP and job creation at a time of intense labor shocks and economic uncertainty.

sign for the CFPB outside a building

Letters to Regulators: Comment on the CFPB’s ANPR Regarding Consumer Access to Financial Records

AFR joined a letter with our partners The National Consumer Law Center, Center for Responsible Lending, Consumer Action, Consumer Federation of America, and USPIRG commenting on the CFPB’s Advanced Notice of Proposed Rulemaking regarding consumer access to financial records. The letter responded to several questions from the CFPB to assist in developing a proposed rule to implement Section 1033 of the Dodd Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act. It called for a rule that would ensure control and protection for consumers accessing their own account data.

the capitol building

Letters to Congress: Letter Supporting the Nomination of Rep. Marcia Fudge as the Next HUD Secretary

AFR joined a letter expressing strong support for the nomination of Rep. Marcia Fudge as the next Secretary of the Department of Housing and Urban Development. The letter cited Rep. Fudge’s stand-out qualifications, her long track record of working across party lines and with a wide range of stakeholders, and her demonstrated lifelong commitment to advancing the civil rights of all people. It urged the Senate to support her prompt confirmation.

a student with books - Photo by Element5 Digital on Unsplash

News Release: Federal student loan borrowers need more relief

As the payment pause on federal student loans was extended without modification, the suspension on payments and waiving of interest only goes to borrowers with federally-held loans. It continues to leave an estimated 9 million of federal student loan borrowers without any relief at all.

the White House

Joint Letter: Letter to President Biden Opposing Any Weakening of Federal Securities Laws

Americans for Financial Reform joined a letter to the Biden Administration urging them not to weaken the securities laws through the further expansion and deregulation of the private offering marketplace. The letter warns that further expanding the pool of securities exempt from the disclosure and investor protections afforded by the federal securities laws has the potential to damage economic recovery, including by increasing the probability of fraud and hindering the efficient allocation of capital.

News Release: AFR Applauds Nomination of Chopra to Lead CFPB

We applaud the nomination of Rohit Chopra to lead the CFPB. His commitment to consumer protection, his effectiveness at using the tools of government to serve the public interest, and his willingness to challenge powerful corporate interests when necessary are exactly what the Bureau needs to fulfill its crucial consumer protection mission.

a series of houses

Joint Letter: Letter Urging the Biden Administration to Provide Greater Assistance for Homeowners in COVID Relief Plan

AFR joined a letter urging President-Elect Biden to expand assistance to homeowners in the upcoming COVID-19 relief package. The letter called on the Biden administration to support the establishment of a Housing Assistance Fund, provide funding for HUD-approved housing counseling agencies and legal assistance, and to support several legislative measures to prevent the coming tsunami of foreclosures that likely will be concentrated in low-income communities and communities of color.

Empty chairs in a college auditorium - Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash

News Release: Over 325 Orgs Call on President-Elect Biden to Cancel Federal Student Debt on Day One using Executive Action

Today, more than 325 organizations sent an updated letter to President-Elect Biden and Vice President-Elect Harris, calling on them to use executive authority to cancel federal student debt on day one of their administration. The letter highlights that cancelling student debt would stimulate the economy, help reduce racial wealth gaps, and could have a positive impact on health outcomes. The groups write that “executive action is one of the few available tools that could immediately provide a boost to upwards of 44 million borrowers and the economy.” Further, this action would be an important first step in advancing the President-Elect’s campaign priorities to ensure racial equity, focus on economic recovery, and deliver COVID-19 relief.