Category Archives: Financial Reform News

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AFR in the News: Budget Deal Puts Squeeze On Financial Regulators

“Lisa Donner, head of Americans for Financial Reform, contends the CFTC budget was slashed at the behest of Wall Street lobbyists seeking to undercut the effectiveness of financial reform. The budget savings are so miniscule that ‘it’s not plausible that the real issue is budget numbers,’ she says.”

Dawn of a New Day for Homeowners, Home Buyers, and Mortgage Lenders

The financial and economic crisis of 2008 was in no small part the result of an out-of-control mortgage lending industry. New rules for that industry – rules developed by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) under the Dodd-Frank financial reform law of 2010 – are now in effect. Their arrival is extremely good news for homeowners, aspiring homeowners, and the country as a whole.

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AFR Statement on Confirmation of Janet Yellen as Fed Chair

“We applaud the Senate’s confirmation of Janet Yellen as chair of the Federal Reserve Board. Americans for Financial Reform and our allies have been heartened by Yellen’s strongly expressed commitment to the Fed’s mission as a financial regulator and to an economy that works for ordinary people. Getting financial regulation right will be crucial to the realization of that goal.”

Forward March: A Better-than-Expected Year in the Fight for Financial Reform

“Though small compared to Wall Street and the right, groups like Americans for Financial Reform and Better Markets show up extensively in the comments on the Volcker Rule. In the final rule, there are hundreds of references to the detailed comment letter the Occupy the SEC group sent…” The work of these outside groups “is a major piece of what makes solid final rules happen.”

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AFR Statement on Final Approval of Volcker Rule

“After years of consideration, the five agencies charged with implementing the Volcker Rule have reached agreement. This is an important step forward in financial reform. The final rule reflects hard work by champions of the rule within the regulatory agencies, the Administration, Congress, and the public-interest community… [But] today’s approval is only one step toward realizing the promise of the Volcker Rule.”

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AFR Statement on Confirmation of Mel Watt to Head the FHFA

“Mel Watt’s confirmation as director of the Federal Housing Finance Agency is heartening news for American families and communities… 
Under his leadership, the FHFA can be a help rather than a hindrance in efforts to deal with the foreclosure crisis, assist homeowners, and ensure broad access to sustainable and affordable credit.”

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AFR Urges SEC to Stand Firm on Corporate Pay-Ratio Disclosure

“[W]e thank you for your work in drafting an effective rule implementing section 953(b) of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act. Given that three years have passed since the enactment of the law , we urge you to move quickly to put the final rule in place.”