Category Archives: Financial Reform News

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Professor Alan White: The Question is Not Whether to Regulate But How

Professor Alan White recently submitted an op-ed to the South Bend Tribune about the need for better financial regulations.  Among other things, his piece says: Much of the debate regarding the proposed Consumer Financial Protection Agency misses the point. The question is not whether banking,

Senator Tester: Bank “Bailout” Ad False

The Helena Independent Register reports that Senator Jon Tester (D, MT) refutes misleading ads claiming that the financial reform bill is a bank “bailout.”  Here is an excerpt: A little-known political group with links to conservative and Republican Party figures is urging Montanans to oppose

“Robin Hood” Tax Could Raise $700 Billion

More than 50 charities are supporting a British campaign to levy a tax on transactions between financial institutions, which can be used to help fight poverty, protect public services and tackle climate change.   The 0.05% “Robin Hood” tax on financial trades could raise $700bn for

Action Center: Tell Congress to Hold Banks Accountable

Tell Congress to Hold Banks Accountable Join Americans for Financial Reform and our allies around the country in our first National Senate Call-in Week, March 1 – 4, 2010. AFR is joined in this effort by our large coalition of organizations, small businesses, and individuals.

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Elizabeth Warren: Wall Street’s Race to the Bottom

Professor Elizabeth Warren submitted this Opinion piece to the Wall Street Journal yesterday.  As the Chair of the TARP Congressional Oversight Panel, Professor Warren has been vocal about the need for increased consumer protections and has been a staunch supporter of the creation of a