All posts by admin

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AFR: Give the People an Up or Down Vote

April 23, 2010 The Honorable Harry Reid The Capitol, S-221 Washington, DC 20050 The Honorable Mitch McConnell The Capitol, S-321 Washington, DC 20050 Dear Senators: The undersigned organizations urge all members of the United States Senate to allow the American people a full and fair

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New York Leaders Rally for Real Financial Reform

New York leaders rally for real financial reform, call out Wall Street for its abuses and army of lobbyists fighting to block needed protections (See below for photos from this event) New York, NY—Today at New York City Hall, scores of community members joined elected

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USA Today: Payday Lenders Lobby for Regulation Exemption

USA Today reports: WASHINGTON — Payday lenders have stepped up their federal lobbying as Congress works on sweeping legislation to regulate banks and protect consumers from the risky financial practices blamed for the economic crisis. The Community Financial Services Association, which represents more than half