AFR: Give the People an Up or Down Vote

April 23, 2010

The Honorable Harry Reid
The Capitol, S-221
Washington, DC 20050

The Honorable Mitch McConnell
The Capitol, S-321
Washington, DC 20050

Dear Senators:

The undersigned organizations urge all members of the United States Senate to allow the American people a full and fair debate in Congress about how – and whether – to hold Wall Street banks accountable for the financial crisis that has cost this country 8 million jobs.

It has been nearly two years since the taxpayers were forced to bail out the big banks, whose reckless gambling brought them to the brink of ruin and almost took down the world financial system. Since then, Congress has had ample time to explore policy changes that would ensure this never happens again.

If policy differences still exist, now is the time to work them out in the public arena, and then vote. A filibuster would rob the taxpayers of their right to know what their elected representatives truly believe and support when the proverbial chips are down. The American people have made clear that they want the Wall Street banks held accountable. They deserve an up-or-down vote and to know who is really on their side.


Americans for Financial Reform

A New Way Forward
American Income Life Insurance Company
American Sustainable Business Council
Business for Shared Prosperity
California Reinvestment Coalition
Campaign for America’s Future
Center for American Progress Action Fund
Communications Workers of America
Consumer Action
Consumer Watchdog
Empire Justice Center
Green America
International Brotherhood of Teamsters
Main Street Alliance
National Association of Investment Professionals
National Association of Consumer Advocates
National Community Reinvestment Coalition
National Consumer Law Center (on behalf of its low income clients)
National Fair Housing Alliance
National People’s Action
New Jersey Citizen Action
Ocean State Action
The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights
Western States Center
Working America

Click here for a full version of this letter (pdf).