Monthly Archives: April 2010

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Protesting for Financial Reform in Denver

Activists in Denver, CO joined in with nationwide protests in support of financial reform yesterday.  Here’s a report on their actions from the Denver Daily News: A coalition of protesters — several dressed in hazmat gear and respirators —rallied yesterday in front of the downtown

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A Conversation with Senator Jeff Merkley and Senator Carl Levin

Americans for Financial Reform and Public Citizen hosted a conference call with Senator Jeff Merkley and Senator Carl Levin on April 29, 2010 to discuss the financial reform bill and the need to reform proprietary trading.  A recording of this call is available below: Conference

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Across the country, people are raising their voices about the need for reform and getting attention from Wall Street to San Francisco to Charlotte, NC.  Click here to find out about the latest activities and to find an event near you. Many individuals and groups

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Showdown on Wall Street!

Today 10,000 people marched on Wall Street to say “Enough is Enough!”  We hope you were able to be there in person or join us in the AFL-CIO’s livecast of the rally.  Here’s a video of the scene inside JPMorgan Chase headquarters in New York

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Concerned Consumers Rally in San Francisco

Yesterday, several hundred protesters took to the streets of San Francisco and rallied in front of Wells Fargo headquarters during their annual shareholders meeting.  The event attracted many press outlets, and served to crank up the volume on the conversation between homeowners and the banks.