Category Archives: Letters to Regulators

JOINT LETTER: 19 Organizations and Individuals Call on Labor Department to Withdraw Policy that Lets Private Equity Loot Retirement Plans

The undersigned groups, which advocate on behalf of consumers, workers, investors, and retirees, write to express our grave concerns regarding the Department’s June 3rd information letter concerning the use of private equity investments in designated investment alternatives made available to retirement savers through individual account plans, such as 401(k) plans.

Joint Letter: Fed and Treasury Should Freeze M&A Activity as Condition of Aid Money

The Fed must aggressively attempt to retain institutional credibility as a neutral actor in our economic order with regards to the distributional effects of its policies. It should not help finance a merger wave that leads to large-scale consolidation of companies which would have been healthy competitors but for temporary impacts of the current crisis.

Scary Shark in pitch black waters - Photo by Wai Siew on Unsplash

Letter to Regulators: Suspend CFPB Rollback of Payday Loan Protections

[T]he process of rolling back the mandatory underwriting requirement provisions of the 2017 small-dollar lending rule was, at best, highly improper. We urge you to suspend the finalization of the rule pending a full investigation of the facts. There is a strong case to be made that the CFPB needs to restart the regulatory process entirely.