Tag Archives: SEC

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Joint Letter: SEC Broker Proposal Fails To Establish Strong Standard or Mitigate Conflicts

The rule’s most significant failing is that it does not establish a clear uniform best interest standard, one that is no less stringent than that found in the Investment Advisers’ Act, for all professionals who provide investment advice to retail clients. Instead, it adopts a weaker standard for broker-dealers that falls short of a true best interest standard and does not adequately address the conflicts of interest that too often are permitted to taint broker-dealers’ recommendations.

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Joint Letter: Nominate Progressive Candidates to Financial Regulators

The need for strong public interest nominees is even greater today. This Administration has been
filling key regulatory positions with people pursuing Wall Street’s agenda at the public’s expense,
and the revolving door is spinning faster than ever. There is an enormous amount at stake at both
the SEC and FDIC as the financial industry and their friends in the Trump administration work to
undo the progress made in Dodd-Frank and to undermine key investor protection standards.

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AFR Statement: Weak SEC Proposal on Broker Standards

Statement from Marcus Stanley, policy director, Americans for Financial Reform: “The proposal we heard described today does not come close to measuring up. The standard of conduct the agency has articulated appears ambiguous at best. It doesn’t simply ban the sales quotas and other compensation practices that lead brokers to put their clients into high-fee, lower-yielding investments.”