Letters to Regulators: Letter to CFPB on Need for Greater Debt Collection Protections for LEP Consumers
Letter from 26 groups to the CFPB urging the agency to strengthen protections for LEP consumers in the next part of the debt collection rule.
Letter from 26 groups to the CFPB urging the agency to strengthen protections for LEP consumers in the next part of the debt collection rule.
Letter to CFPB urging focused outreach to LEP mortgage borrowers during COVID-19 and expanding language access in mortgage origination and servicing.
Letter urging OCC to encourage banks to provide greater language access as banks use more technology in banking services.
A letter signed by 36 consumer, civil rights, community, housing, and other public interest organizations asking FHFA to prioritize providing in-language resources on COVID-19 relief options and outreach so that borrowers with limited English proficiency will be able to understand their options and access the help they need to weather this unprecedented public health crisis.
AFR Language Access Task Force and partner organizations sent up a letter in support of legislation to restore the URLA language preference question.
On September 18, 2019, 43 organizations submitted a comment letter to the CFPB about the need for greater protections for Limited English Proficient (LEP) consumers in the debt collection process.
Americans for Financial Reform wrote to the Department of Education to voice concerns with two applications they have proposed for higher education institutions seeking access to emergency relief funds. In addition to creating barriers to accessing the funds, the forms are not available in Spanish, which will preclude potential applicants in Puerto Rico from accessing needed funds.