Tag Archives: consumer

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Written Testimony: The CFPB’s Structure is Constitutional and Effective

“The first five-and-a-half years of the CFPB’s history has vindicated the decisions that Congress made in 2010 to create a strong independent agency to protect consumers from fraud and abuse in the financial marketplace. …It’s action have begun to reform the industry by making banks andother financial services companies more attentive to consumers’ rights…”

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Letter to Congress: AFR Opposes REINS Act (HR 26)

“The REINS Act is radical legislation that would upend decades of administrative law practices dating back to the New Deal era in the 1930s. The bill requires explicit approval of any ‘major regulation’ by both the House and Senate within 70 days in order for that rule to take effect. This requirement would create crippling barriers to administrative actions necessary to protect the public and implement the law.”