Tag Archives: CFPB

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AFR in the News: Consumer advocates press Congress to keep CFPB intact (MarketWatch)

“More than 100 members of organizations… met with government officials of both parties and their staffs to lobby against several laws proposed recently… Brian Simmonds Marshall, policy counsel for Americans for Financial Reform, [said] , ‘We were very glad we had so many consumer advocates in Washington when these crucial issues to consumer protection are being actively considered by Congress…’”

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Joint Statement: Prepaid Card Protections Escape Congressional Veto

“‘This rule will give consumers, including people who rely on prepaid debit cards instead of a bank account, the basic protections they need to manage their finances more safely and securely,’ said Lisa Donner, executive director at Americans for Financial Reform. ‘When people learned it was under threat, they made the case that this rule is important and workable, and it looks like enough lawmakers paid attention.'”

AFR's Amanda Jackson testifies before the House Financial Services Committee

AFR Testimony: Reject Wall Street’s CHOICE Act

“This legislation would be better dubbed ‘Wall Street’s CHOICE Act,’ because it would have a devastating effect on the capacity of regulators to protect the public interest and defend consumers from Wall Street wrongdoing and the economy from risks created by too-big-to-fail financial institutions.” — testimony at House Financial Services Committee hearing, April 26

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AFR in the News: How Consumer Financial Protections Could Be Rolled Back (Consumer Reports)

“‘The level of venom directed at the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, an agency that is successfully carrying out its mission of preventing tricks and traps that harm American families, is astounding,’ said Lisa Donner, executive director of Americans for Financial Reform, a nonpartisan and nonprofit coalition of consumer and other citizen groups. ‘The changes proposed by the legislation only make sense if you want to weaken consumer protections and make it easier for Wall Street, and predatory lenders, to profit by cheating people.’”

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Letter to the Regulators: AFR, 31 Orgs Support the CFPB’s Student Loan Servicer Data Collection

AFR and 30 other organizations sent a sign-on letter to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau in support of their proposed student loan servicing data collection initiative. Compiling such metrics and borrower outcomes would benefit market participants, federal and state agencies, policymakers, and borrowers. Obtaining a clearer view of the student loan market overall will help inform all market participants on how best to serve student loan borrowers.

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AFR in the News: Revised GOP bill would destroy the Consumer Bureau (LA Times)

“The Texas Republican shared a memo with other lawmakers last week outlining changes he plans to make to his so-called Financial CHOICE Act… Impressively, he’s managed to make a bad bill even worse… Marcus Stanley, policy director for the advocacy group Americans for Financial Reform, said Hensarling’s revised bill ‘makes regulators even weaker than they were before the financial crisis…’ Score that a big win for financial firms after years of filling Hensarling’s pockets with money.”

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Letter to Congress: Enhanced Financial Protections for Small Businesses

“Small businesses are a primary driver of job growth and wealth creation in the United States, providing more than half the country’s jobs and two-thirds of net new jobs. …There is a strong and growing consensus that small businesses should have stronger federal protections in the financial marketplace. …The best agency to oversee protections for small businesses is the CFPB. The CFPB is the primary enforcer of the core statutes that protect borrowers and other users of financial services against misconduct.”