gavel from a courtroom - Photo by Wesley Tingey on Unsplash

Letters to Congress: Letter Asking for Commitment to Nominating Professionally Diverse Candidates to Federal District Courts

AFR joined a letter to the Senate asking for commitment to supporting President Biden’s goal of nominating professionally diverse candidates for federal district courts by fulfilling his request to recommend public defenders, civil rights lawyers, and public interest lawyers when judicial vacancies occur in their states. The letter explains that if the American public is to maintain faith in our judicial system, it is critical that we restore balance to a bench where former corporate lawyers and prosecutors are so heavily overrepresented.

Clean Energy Climate

News Release: Labor Department Will Not Enforce Rules that Impede ESG Investing

In a significant reversal, the Department of Labor (DOL) today announced they will not enforce the anti-sustainable investing rules that were hastily published in the final days of the Trump administration. The two rules, which went into effect in January 2021, would have made it much harder for retirement plans to integrate environmental, social and governance (ESG) risks into their investment practices.

Letters to Congress: Letter in Support of Two Language Access Bills

AFR organized a letter of support for two bills expanding and improving language access for mortgage transactions that will make important strides in improving access to the mortgage market and awareness of the availability of assistance for homeowners who are struggling to keep up with their mortgage payments. LEP borrowers face many challenges that impede their full participation in the consumer marketplace, including, specifically, their ability to obtain and preserve ownership of a home. Tracking and transferring the language preference of LEP borrowers and enhancing the availability and use of services and resources in their preferred languages will significantly improve market access for LEP borrowers at all stages of a mortgage loan.