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Letters: Principles for Equitable Zoning Reform

AFR joined over 100 groups in sending a letter urging the Biden administration to ensure that any zoning reform incentives or requirements actually do the job of opening up exclusionary areas to more economic and racial diversity; do not further the displacement of low-income communities and communities of color, do not result in the loss of affordable housing, and do not further entrench profit-driven commodification of housing. Federal action to eliminate exclusionary zoning has the potential to expand racial and economic justice, but, if not crafted carefully, the effort could be ineffective or even harmful to communities of color.

In the News: Private equity’s terrible impact on New Jersey’s nursing homes (The Star-Ledger)

“As COVID-19 swept through New Jersey’s nursing homes, residents and workers got sick and died, families struggled to get basic information about their loved ones, and caregivers were rightly terrified that they would bring the virus back to their own families. What few realized is how a secret Wall Street takeover of much of the long-term care industry has amplified the health risks to those who live and work in nursing homes” according to AFR Senior Researcher Patrick Woodall and 1199SEIU Executive Vice President Milly Silva.

Letters to Regulators: Letter Asking for Restored Supervisory and Enforcement Tools in Mortgage Servicing Rules

AFREF, NCLC, NFHA and NHLP sent a letter to the CFPB, FRB, FDIC, OCC, NCUA and CSBS asking the agencies to update the April 3, 2020 Joint Statement on Supervisory and Enforcement Practices Regarding the Mortgage Servicing Rules in Response to the COVID-19 Emergency and the CARES Act to restore key supervisory and enforcement tools to incentivize servicers to properly handle applications for loss mitigation assistance and require servicers to send loss mitigation notices to borrowers, which are especially critical as forbearances come to an end in the coming months.

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Letters to Congress: Letter Urging Senators and Representatives to Ensure that Civil Rights Enforcement is Prioritized with Increased Funding in the FY 2022 Appropriations Cycle

AFR joined partners to send a letter to Congress urging senators and representatives to ensure that civil rights enforcement is prioritized with increased funding in the FY 2022 appropriations cycle. The letter calls on Congress to double the funding provided to each of the civil rights offices across the federal government so that they are able to adequately respond to complaints of discrimination; proactively ensure compliance with the laws they enforce; provide guidance, regulation, and technical assistance to prevent discrimination; and collect and report data on equal opportunity across all domains of American life.